Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I was informed by L that her sister is going to further her study in Degree in Pharmacy this year. Congratulation to her. She will be going to register at UiTM, Shah Alam this saturday. In fact, last saturday, her younger brother enrolled to UPM to pursue his degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Another UPM graduate in the making. Idup UPM!. :)

My advice for both of them is enjoy your life at U. Hehe. Be strong, and of course your sister is there if you need any.

I do hope Firdaus can get his hand in Education sponsorship. Telekom, JPA, Mara or even Petronas. Just get in touch with HEP.

And one of my junior is going to continue her Master in UK. Nice huh? Even nicer is that her course is Actuarial Science. Never heard of it? Google it lor..

1 comment:

liza said...

Penah dgr masa form 5 dulu... related to statistical and mathematical thing