Friday, July 11, 2008

Something Odd

Well, as usual, I went for Friday prayers here at Masjid As-Syakirin KLCC. At first nothing unusual or odd happened. Hehe.

After finished Friday prayer, I noticed that not a single Jemaah or Muslim at the Masjid wore corporate Petronas shirt. Maybe just a coincidence huh? Usually you can see people wore PGB, PCSB, Petronas or even MLNG shirt. (MLNG shirt doesn't have petronas logo on it).

Let me share a story.

One day, two guys argue and discuss about Oil price in a shop, A and B. Another guy, C interfere, and gave his opinion. Indeed his opinion is kinda professional and very much the thing that really happened right now.

A then ask C, "Awak kerja kat mane?"

"Carigali" C replied.

B then said. "Nasib baik Carigali, kalau Petronas tadi, aku da belasah ko nie!"

C smiled and left the scene. He said to himself, "Nasib baik dorg x tau Carigali tu Petronas jugak sebenarnya."

Thats the dilemma. Malay Dilemma huh? hehehe.

Also, check this out here. Petronas move up to no.95 in Fortune Global 500. Malaysians should be proud.

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