Monday, July 14, 2008

Movie Review : War of the Dragons

Actually, I've seen this movie for quite a long time already. Not in malaysia's cinema, but on pirated DVD shelves in Miri. The title also different. It was 'Dragon Wars'. I also noticed that in Korea, the movie's title was 'D-War'. Whats with this different titles anyway? Bengong.. Hehe.

After watching this movie, I said to L 'Ni macam tgk Ultraman je'. L replied 'Dragonball pun ada gak!". True..its true. 'Ultraman' is where the dragons attacked the city. As for the dragonball, of course the Dragon itself. You know what happened when all of the dragonballs collected by Goku right? Yup, he can summoned a Dragon. That dragon kinda the same in this movie. Hehe. (Of course la dragons are same right?)

Based on Korean myth, every 500 years, an Imoogi will try to become a Divine Dragon. In order to become a Dragon, Imoogi needs something called 'Yoo Da' I think. Not so sure whats the name. Hehe. Imoogi actually a serpent. Very big one. This movie have 2 Imoogi, good and bad imoogi.

The 'Yoo da' things kept in human soul. Or should I say a girl's soul. Fate decided that a reincarnation of a past warrior will also emerge to help that innocent girl. Jason Behr (Roswell drama fame) plays the role of this so called 'warrior'.

The evil imoogi do have its own followers. As they already identified the girl, they pursue and chased the girl. The warrior with the help of another 'sifoo', master Ba Chuan try and protect the girl from the evil bad imoogi. But failed. Huhu.

The bad guys managed to capture Sarah. What happened next? Hehe. Watch it for yourself lor.

Moment of the movie

The evolution from Serpent(Imoogi) to the dragon. Kinda cool. Huhu. Cant wait for the Dragonball the Movie. Hehe.

Moan of the movie

The hero. So lame. I mean, nothing special about his guy except for the pendant given by Buchan to him. No special power or skills in swords whatsoever.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.

- Daniel