Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie Review : X-Files - I Want to Believe

I was expecting an alien abduction+zombie+mystery+UFO kind of movie for this movie. Well, it's X-Files you know. It turned out that there were no UFO, no Bigfoot or no Zombie whatsoever. Pretty much unexpected huh? But not that WOW thingy actually. See for yourself! Huhu

Its good to see Mulder and Scully back in action. And guess what? We have Agent Skinner as well. Huhu. This time around, Mulder and Scully are not in FBI anymore. But, their assistance pretty much needed by FBI to solve a mystery. A missing FBI agent.

A psychic (the only x-files-related-thingy), had this visions of where this FBI agent kept. With this, Mulder and the FBI agents managed to get to this missing agent. Thats it.

The real story behind all this missing agent was a Russian doctor experimenting to transfer a HEAD c/w brain to another healthy body. Later in the movie, it was called Modern Frankenstein. Apparently, the agent's body was suitable for the HEAD. Not sure why though.

Moan of the movie
No alien/UFO thing. No suspense or really thrilling scen.

Moment of the movie
Mulder and Scully clearly in Relationship. Hehe.


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