Sunday, July 6, 2008

Movie Review : Wanted

Not in the mood of writing any today. Well, I'll just post pics of the movie. Enjoy

Angelina Jolie. Notice the side mirror. It was supposed to be James Mc Avoy. Hehe..
McAvoy assaulting Fraternity HQ. Not a single supposed-to-be-sharpshooters hit this guy. Crazy huh?

Cross. How could he snipe someone from a distance like that? Ridiculous. Hehe.

Morgan Freeman aka Sloan. Not sure when this scene taking place though. Hmm..

Moan and Moment of the movie.
360 Bullet from Fox (Angelina Jolie)! Impossible in the real world but very cool in this movie. Watch out for this scene. Hehe. O


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