Wednesday, July 2, 2008

PSP : Brave Story

Not so much to do today. My boss not in the office. Hehe.

Well, I just want to write about an RPG game that I currently playing. RPG stands for Role Playing Game ok! It means that you play a role in that game. Whatever decision you make will affect the storyline. Its like watching a movie and you can control the hero. In other words, you are the Hero!

My favourite was Final Fantasy. I'll post on that later. For today, Brave Story is our focus. Huhu.

The story is about a boy called Tetsuo who somehow found his friend Miki lying in Bed due to some injuries/sickness. In order to cure Miki, a Lady (in the game its actually only a voice) sent Tetsuo to Vision (other than our world lor). His mission was to find 4 gemstones that can cure his Girlfriend. Nice huh?

In Vision, Tetsuo kind of guy (persons from earth to Vision) called Traveller. There, he met Yuno. A girl+cat species. Weird but cute. Hehe. Yuno decide to assist Tetsuo in his quest to find all the gemstones.

Along the storyline, Tetsuo befriended some characters that can be added to his team (means that at 1 fighting scene, you can control 3 characters). There are also NPC (Non Playable Character) which were nice but cannot be added. Some characters only joining the team for a limited period only i.e for a specific mission.

Actually, I'm not done yet for this game. Hehe. Currently I'm at Chapter 9. Not so sure how many chapters are there. Currently there are 4 character in my team inclusive of Tetsuo, Yuno, Sogreth and Meladee. Refer to pic above. There are 6 of them. Wohoo. Need to find 2 more.

I'll post another posting after I finish the game. Hehe. What happened to Miki? Who's Traveler Rei? Huhu.

Nak je main game kat ofis nie. Can or not?

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