Tuesday, July 29, 2008

JJCM : Saloma Bistro and Theatre Restaurant

Actual I dined at Theatre Restaurant last Wednesday sponsored by Texas Instruments. . Dinner free of course I’m happy…hehe… Its buffet and I mostly are Malaysia food. Some of the engineers are invited including me to chit chat with our HPA manager from Dallas.

How to get there
This restaurant situated at Jalan Ampang near Pusat Perlancongan Malaysia (MTC) and Zouk...

What so special
The cultural show is the most interesting. I enjoyed watching many types of Malaysian dancing and most of the foreign tourists enjoyed recording the show. The food? Of course Malaysian food are served…Nasi minyak, Rendang ayam, udang panggang, roasted lamp, satay, lemamng, bubur kacang, ais kacang, kuih2 tradisional etc…the food quite tasty and I enjoy all food there until my stomach full..hehe…

Worth a re-try
Yes if you have extra money to spent and like watching dancing show..

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