Monday, July 7, 2008

DFE : Indonesia or Sabah Project

Ermm.. Interesting news I got today. Been in touch with my Manager who's in charge in Staff's attachment to project. He mentioned that currently there are 2 projects asking for manpower. Particularly for electrical engineer.

The first one is in Indonesia. And another one in Sabah. Well, he seems want to place me at the Sabah project. His justification is that I'm a Sabahan. Berbakti kepada rakyat! Hehe.

Actually, I hope that will come true. I was hoping to get a Sabah project. Although it doesn't mean that I'll be stationed at Sabah for the entire project. I think its good for me. Another way to contribute to my Sabah.

Today, I'm fasting. Huhu. I pray, I'll get this project. Insya-Allah.

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