Wednesday, July 23, 2008

JJCM : Bangkok Expresso : Thai Nudle Cafe

I've had a pretty heavy lunch today. Hehe. Actually I had a meeting with contractor at The Taipan building at Jalan P.Ramlee. Soon after the meeting adjourned, we treat ourselves at this Restaurant. Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan.

How to get there
Actually this cafe situated inside The Weld shopping complex. Along Jalan P.Ramlee or Jalan Chulan I supposed. The shopping complez is not that big. So, it should be no problem finding this restaurant.

What so special
We ordered quite exquisite and expensive dishes to be exact. What I can see on the menu is that Tom Yam is their expertise. (Well, what you expect for a Thai Restaurant?). Other than that is the coffees. Yup, its like starbucks + thai restaurant. Huhu. Also, dont forget to try the garoupa (Kerapu) and Steamed Siakap. Yum..Yum.. Also Pandan leave Chicken and Sizzling Shrimps. Nice.

I dont like the drinks though. Hehe. I ordered myself watermelon juice. So-So laa..

Worth a re-try
Yes and No. Yes if I have an excessive money to spent. Hehe.


liza said...

Mcm sedap...Mahal ek...
teringin nak rasa tomyam

Xien said...

mmg pun.. makan free brani la g sana.. hahahha..