Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie Review : Kung Fu Hip Hop

Well, L and I had our movie(s) day out together yesterday. Eventhough I could say that almost every movie in cinema right now, we've already watched it. Huhu.

Kung Fu Hip Hop tells a story about Jordan Chan, who didn't have a proper job. In order to survive, he sells second hand items and also by performing street rapping. At the same time, he in needs a lot of money to pay for sister's medical. Unfortunately, her sister had to undergo an eye surgery.

Jordan Chan had a gift. A passion for hip-hop dance and also intensive kung fu training he went through when he was a boy. Combine both, you'll get Kung Fu Hip Hop. Huhu

To cut story short, Jordan Chan managed to impress a DJ. A female DJ to be exact. A soon-to-be-girlfriend. Later both of them managed to gather a group of young mechanics to team up with them. There'll be a Hip Hop dance competition. Guess what? They'll up against Xiauchuan, the best Hip Hop artist in China at that moment.

Well, you need to see for yourself what happened next though. Huhu. I dont want to spoil you.

Moan of the movie
Finale battle. Too lame. Imagine how a team won a battle just because a guy can do 1 impossible trick. Yup, Jordan Chan can stand upside down with only his thumb supports his whole body. THUMB! Damn.

Also, have you heard the song, Raise Me Up? I think it was Michael Buble's. Yup, the song is in this movie. In the final battle to be exact. Actually, it was just a background music. But still, too inappropriate. Huhu. IMHO lar..

Moment of the movie
Nothing worth mentioning.

2/5 (Better watch I'm Not Single..Hehe)

1 comment:

liza said...

Pandai2 je compare ngan I'm not single..tgk pn blum..uhuh