Thursday, July 10, 2008

Movie Review : Bank Job

Where should I start? Hehe. Nothing so attractive actually about this movie. Except for the Transporter 1 & 2 hero in it, Jason Statham. And of course, the title itself. Kinda like Italian Job huh?

Towards the end of the movie, It appeared to me that this movie actually based on a true story. Except for the names of course. Huhu.

Actually, I missed a few minutes of the movie because of L and I kinda late yesterday. Hehe. So, this review is based on my understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)

The story is about an amateur gangs of 3 guys who desperately in need of money. Jason Statham lead the gang. One day, a lady came to them and offered them something that they cant refuse. Hehe. A Bank Job indeed.

The idea was to robbed the bank by underground. Prison Break kind of thing. If y'know what I mean. No special gadgets or lasers involved. Just ordinary amateur tools to dig and crush the floor and concrete wall.

Cut story short, they managed to rob the bank. What the robbers didn't know was that the bank also have storage boxes that contains docs and also photos. Explicit contents should I say. Hehe.

The lady who ask for them to rob the bank actually wants a safety deposit box numbered 118. It contained explicit photos of someone in the Royal Family. It turned out that the lady taking the order from someone High in the government. In returns, the lady will get her drug trafficking case cleared out from the Police.

The story become more complicated when the robbers knew they also have explicit photos of a Member of Parliament and also a Financial Ledger owned by a Porn Film producer. The ledger actually record all the payments made by the producer to cops so that he can do his thing easier. List of corrupted cops should I say.

And thats the overall picture. Dont want to spoil the ending for you. Watch it for yourself la. Hehe.

Moan of the movie
British accent and also inconsistent Malay translation. You have to listen carefully to understand the movie. The translation sometimes incorrect.

No 'Italian Job' kind of bank robbery. Too straightforward and simple method used. Lame.
Moment of the movie
Nothing worth mentioning here. Hmm..

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