Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Drama Review : 3 Dads 1 Mom

I've just finished watch this drama. Phew.. At last. The dateline is actually today. Hehe. Before exchanging it to another drama with L. Dramas with S to be exact! Actually, we've been watching dramas quite a while already. L is more addicted to these dramas more than I am of course. No one can argue with you that sometimes Japanese dramas, korean dramas or even taiwanese dramas can entertain you. Huhu.

And now, I would like to recommend this drama. Hehe. According to L, this drama already being aired in Malaysian TV. I supposed 8TV had aired it. 14 episodes altogether, focusing on family comedy + drama.

It started when a couple, Nanying and Cheangmin struggled to have a baby. After failed in few attempts, Cheangmin desperately will try anything just for them to have a baby. That includes sperm donors from other male. In this case, Cheangmin's friends ; the 3 dads.

Cut story short, the 3 donate their sperms but soon after that wants Cheangmin not to use their sperms. Guess what? Nanying pregnant! Somehow, Cheangmin died on an accident and left a video. Inside the video, he revealed that he thankful for his 3 friends. The 3 guys knew that Changming used their sperms. I mean, literally used 1 of theirs of course. Hehe.

After the death of the husband, Nanying had to raised the child alone. This where the funny stories come. You gotta see this. From the 9 months pregrancy, till diapers changing, not to mention the baby's first walk. Huhu.

All in all, quite entertaining Korea Drama to watch.

Moan of the Drama
The 'gold shit' scene. Totally gross! Eeew.. What they did was sniffing and tasting the baby's poop. Haha. Interesting huh?
Moment of the Drama
See how the real 'Father' revealed. Well, it happened on the last episode though. Huhu.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia

Yup. I'll start my cuti this wednesday 24th till end of december. So much cuti left. I'll be heading to Kulim this weekend. Actually to PB to be exact. Hehe.

Nope, not for any majlis for me. Sigh..

Well, its actually to attend my Sister's Wedding. Yup, the bridegroom's reception will be held on 28th at Kulim.

And yes. All this while, I was waiting for my Sis getting married first then only I shall proceed with myself. That might answer a few questions why I still didnt get married yet. Hehe.

Erm.. I should start surveying for hantaran am I? Isn't it too sudden?

Myself has a plan. Well, I have this feeling that whatever you've planned, better not to tell others. Else, your plan will be failed. Huhuhu. So, after everything is confirmed than I will tell.

Movie Review : Cicakman 2

Entri melayu ok! Sebab filem melayu. Hehe. Or entri Sabah.. Yeah..

Yang Best
- Ada Apek..
- CGI power.. lawa gak..
- Jalan cerita..

Yang nda Best
- Ada Apek jugak.. nda ngam kalau part2 serius.. mcm lain..hahahaha..
-Terlebih sudah! mcm over plak tau special effect.. aku rasa mostly dorang ni berlakon berlatarbelakangkan tabir hijau tu jak..
- Ginger 1 and Ginger 2 (AC ngn Adlin) tolong Cicakman.. oopss Spoiler la plak.. hehehe..


Kalau mo tgk filem melayu.. Cicakman vs Los and Faun vs Brainscan.. better tgk ini la.. terhibur jugak.. Brainscan? no comment.. wakkakaa.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

As Promised.. Hehe

These are the snapshots of the house that I could get yesterday. Hehe.

Unit 30219. Am I going to live in this house? Hmmm..

The opposite row. Still under construction. In total, only 26 units available y'know. Other units are Semi-Ds.

Inside the show house.

First floor. View from the 2nd floor. Did I mention this house has 3 storey? Huhu.

Show house's row. My unit is just beside the show house.

Icing in the cake. 2nd floor is totally just for me and my future wife. Hehe. Plus a balcony y'know!~

All in all, I'm pretty satisfied. Eventhough I'll get the home address that I really dont like to tell people. Hehe.

Where is this? Better not to reveal it yet. Maybe after all agreements, forms, lawyers thing already being settled out then I'll reveal.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I was told my SPA for the house has just been stamped. Huhuhu.

Its official. No turning back!

Unless my company loan somehow 'sangkut' later.. huhuhu..

Where? I'll post the pics later. I am planning to go there this weekend. Maybe, snapping some pictures also.


Its kinda worrying for me y'know. Somehow, everyone keeps asking me the same questions.

"Bila nak kawen?"

"Bila nak tunang?"

It seems that people just dont bother to ask,

"Kenapa ko x kawen lagi?".

Hehe. Maybe sounds a bit harsh, but its straight to the point.

I mean, people only concern on "When" and not "Why?" huh!

And why do other people even care?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Final KL PC Fair for 2008!

Yup. That happened this weekend starting today. In fact, as I am writing this blog I can assure you there are hundreds or even thousands are already inside KLCC. Why?? Its school holiday. Plus most of the parents extended their holiday stretching 1 week beginning last monday for Hari Raya and Hari Keputeraan Sultan Selangor. On top of that, Christmas is coming.

Crowded and very noisy place to be there huh? Some say that its not worthed to go PC Fair when you can get the same price just by going Low Yat at the same day PC Fair held. I think its true, and I agree with that. Hehe.

Environment wise, totally different! Most of people (me included) prefer roaming around the booths and looks for gadgets and new tech just to keep them abreast for latest technology. Others just want to compare prices between resellers for items such as Laptops, Thumbdrives, Hard Disks or even PDAs.

As for me, I'm looking for external hard drive. Yup, preferably 160GB for less than RM200. Also, I want to survey UMPC (thats ultra mobile personal computer) for my sis. I expecting lots of mini laptops will be there. Hehe.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wish List!

Yeah.. Hehe. Its not for Christmas actually. Just for my personal wish list. Hehe. Actually these are the things I really like and looking forward to buy. If not this year, maybe next year or a year later or even yearsss later. Huhu. The list goes..

1. Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. Hehe. I've been surveying for this gadget quite some time. Personally, quite unsatisfied. Not because of the price though. Hohoho. I do have other options. RM3199!!
2. Nintendo Wii. Yeah. Earlier this year I was dreaming of owning a PS3. But, I prefer Wii nowadays. Maybe because of the Nunchuck! Hehe. Not to mention, the wii fit and wii sports. Also, Guitar Hero! Damn. At the moment the price is RM1150.

3. Vios. Dark blue to be exact. Hmm.. Maybe I need to scale down a lil' bit there. Swift? or maybe Viva.
4. DSLR. I used to snap photos a lot during U days. In fact, I like doing so. Huhu. I do have a Samsung u750 with me right now. Huhu. I guess its not enough. And yes, this was influenced by my brothers of course.

I guess its more than a dream than a wish right? Hmm. In fact, I do afford to buy these right now. I mean today. But, I've already made a choice. The toughest choice I made so far in my life.

Buy a House!

I guess, I need to stop enjoy-enjoy and start think about the future huh? Isn't too early for that? No lah. In fact, I already start buying Anjung Seri magazine.. Hehe..

The truth is, I still can buy all those items eventhough I proceed with the house. It may takes some time. Or some Oversea Outstations to do it..Hehe, if y'know what I mean.

Lets just make it 2009 Wish List! (I was thinking adding bath tub, threadmill, home-theatre to the list house maa)

Movie Review : Bolt

I am always a big fan of Disney/Pixar's cartoon. Shrek's trilogy, Invincible, Toy Story, Shark Tale were fun and hillarious. Hehe. And now, Bolt take the centre stage!

Personally, I've known Bolt based on a trailer way back in october I think. This is the trailer.

I did expect the movie is kinda like Superdog movie. Hehe. Just look at the trailer above. Cool Huh??

It turned out that the trailer I saw just showing scenes where Bolt it shown as a Superdog. Actually Bolt in this movie is just a Movie Star. Yup, all the super-duper thing actually shots from a movie where Bolt is the main character.

Bolt played by Travolta and the girl played by Miley Cirus. The story evolves on how the movie crew tried to make sure Bolt believe he actually has the power; Super bark, invincible, super jump and whatsoever. Bolt was kept inside the movie site for all his life. He didnt have the knowledge what happened outside. For him, his world his the movie world. Where everything is easy.

Cut story short, Bolt accidentally get out of the site with the intention to pursue the girl. (just like the movie.) This is where the journey began. Where he met the cat and the hamster. Ironic isn't it? Where can you fin dog, cat and mouse befriended with each other. Huhu.

You gotta see this movie.

Moan of the movie
Not enough superpower scenes. Hehe.

Moment of the movie

The chasing scene. Bolt together with the girl being chase by the army of Green Eyed villain. Kinda cool. Actually, very Cool! Hehe.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Meet Uncle Hussien #1

Danish meet uncle Hussien! Hehe
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Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Hari Raya Qurban just passed us by earlier this week. Again, this year I celebrated it in KL. The good news is my brothers are here with me. Hehe. So, this raya is kinda meaningful for me.

Nothing much we've done actually. Except for Sembahyang sunat Aidiladha and eat lunch and dinner together. Feels like home! I mean, feels like home in Sabah. Hehe. After all, I've just got back from Sabah last 2 weeks. The Sabahness is still with me.. Huhu.

To complete what a hectic month this month is, this weekend my EEU brothers will held their wedding reception. Din's will be at Alor Star while Daus' will be at Kota Kamunting. I'm not sure if I can attend both receptions. And what happened to Daus anyway.. After all the silences, suddenly invite us to his wedding. Lets just wait what will happened this weekend.

And whats with EEU members nowadays? Busy huh??

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Actually I already found house. A dream house to be exact. Hehe. Not a bungalow ok! Just a 3-storey house. I've known this house for quite a long time already. Just couldn't decide whether to proceed or not. These are the pros and cons.


1. Big. With 5 rooms and 4 bathrooms, it is more than enough for me. Plus my very big family.
2. Got balcony y'know! Hehe. The view is quite good and refreshing. That's what the developer claim. Only can confirm it after the house is built.
3. Master bedroom is quite big. The 2nd floor is wholly occupied by the master bedroom. Huhu. Its okay la for the size 22x64.
4. Density. Only 26 units of terrace. So, I expect not much noise or trouble in this neighbourhood.


1. Pricey! If I proceed, I have to forget about owning my own car. Sigh.. I still can afford a Kancil though. Hmm...
2. Distance. Outside KL. 40 minutes drive to AU2. Its still ok with me actually. My colleagues here in KLCC resides in places such as Shah Alam, Subang Jaya, and Puchong which takes about the same time to arrive to KL. Excluding the traffic jam of course. Hehe.

So, 4 pros vs 2 cons. Who win?

p/s I can not mention the place yet.. Until I've already sign the necessary documents to proceed.

Blogging again

Setelah sekian lama, aku rasa aku nak aktif balik ngn blogging.. hehehe..

ntah la.. bukannya busy pun, kadang-kadang mood tu xde.. byk benda nk pk.. Hari ni rasa nk tulis entri lak..

Oo ya, aku baru dpt tahu Isham Isa, mmber EEU ade gak blog.. x ku sangka.. da berkurun gak blog die.. hampeh tul.. nak promote pun siap bagi link kt shoutbox kt tepi nie.. gtau je laa.. hahahaha.. anyhow, leh tgk blog die kat sini.

Blog EEU pun da makin suram je aku tgk.. Da xde benda baru.. hehehe.. sume bz kot.. aku pun da lama x jumpe dak2 EEU.. Nak tunggu majlis Din, xtau nak g ke tak.. Sebab aku kena bergegas g terengganu time tu.. ade training..

Apa2 pun, I'm BACK!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blogspot sux

I am having problem creating new entry in this blog.. hmm....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Movie Review : Max Payne, Bangkok Dangerous, Disaster Movie

3 in 1 Entry. Hehe.

These are the 3 movies i've watched for the past couple of weeks. I just dont have time to review it all. L insist that I need to review it all. Hmm.. Maybe its because I was pre occupied with other things.. Especially the new house thing. Hmm..

Moving on, I rate these 3 movies a 3/5. Ok but not that Ok. Hehe.
I did played Max Payne game before in PC. I just dont have time to finish it. I pretty much have high expectation for this movie. It turned out that it was just another game-to-movie thing. Remember Hitman? Sometimes, it better just end it in the game. GAME OVER should i say.

The most important thing when watching this kind of movie, you need to know most of the movies being mocked in the movie. Other than that, you also need to know who the hell is Amy Winehouse, JT. Hehe. Have you watched Superbad? Or Cloverfield? Else, you might ended with 'Apa benda la cite nie, lawak bangang'. Most probably there are scenes that FINAS cut off as well. Huhu.

The only reason why I watched this movie is Nic Cage. Huhu. Other than that, there's nothing special in this movie. Just a simple Hollywood (or should I say Thaiwood) kind of movie. I prefer Jason Bourne's movies. Huhu.

Eeunderground : Beli Rumah

Entry berbahasa Melayu.. Huhu..

Sejak 2 menjak ni memang xleh fokus buat kerja.. Asyik pikir pasal rumah je.. Ntah la tetiba terpikir nak beli rumah. Sebab utama sebab nak kawen da kot.. huhuhu.. xnak la da kawen nanti duk sewa rumah dalam 800-1000, padahal leh beli rumah and bayar bulan2 dalam jumlah tu gak..

Why now? aku rasa its now or never.. Economy tgh down skg.. Priority aku nak cari rumah yg da siap or da nak siap. Sebab Malaysia bakal2 menjadi another 1998-1999 krisis ekonomi. Time tu tetiba semua construction apa2 pn stop. Orang predict krisis ni akan lama.. So, its now or maybe after 2-3 years..

Selepas consult beberapa senior and rakan2 kat ofis nie. Mostly sependapat yg better cari rumah yang landed. Ade gak pendapat yg gtau watpe nak cari rumah jauh2, kalau kerje kat KL?

Pagi nie, aku telah buat satu benda yg patutnya aku buat lama dahulu. Tanya geng2 EEuG aku. Actually, aku mmg da lama nak tanye.. Cuma aku bab2 ni aku rasa x nak kecoh2. Its like saying that 'Aku ada byk duit, aku nak beli rumah!'

Tapi hari nie.. Aku rasa kawan2 EEuG tau aku jenis camna.. x suka menunjuk2.. And jarang minta tolong orang lain melainkan benda2 tu da memang desperate sgt. Indeed, I'm desperate.

Thanks to yoz, dagu, wong, topek for all their suggestions. Aku rasa aku da leh buat decision. hopefully by next week aku da x nak pk pasal rumah lagi..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Buying a property

Should I or shouldn't I? I have to decide this. Please help. Hehe.

Apparently there is an apartment available at Setapak for 240k. Expensive huh? Probably because it is near to KLCC. 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms. 1166 sq.ft is the size.

Other option is to buy landed house. The only concern would be the distance to the workplace. I can get a 2 story Terrace house at Bangi for the same price though. Emm.. 4 rooms, 3 bathrooms. 1799 sq.ft.

But still, I need to go Mid valley this weekend. There will be a property showcase there. Maybe after that I'll decide.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Movie Review : The House Bunny

Imagine, you have 2 choice of 2 stupid movies : House Bunny or Disaster Movie, which one would you choose?

Hehe. I've watched Epic movie, Date Movie as well as Meet the Sparta. What I can say is that, they are all the same. Lame jokes and some not funny at all! 

I guess thats answer my question above. I chose House Bunny. Scary movie's Anna Faris is in this movie. She also starred in Epic Movie. Probably the 'Bunny' thing kinda enlighten me though. If y'know what I'm sayin'. Hehe. I'm quite surprise its a 'U' movie. "Sesuai untuk tontonan umum". Do those guys actually do their classifying movies in their right way?

Enough of that, lets move on to the storyline. Shelley, a playboy bunny forced to move out from the playboy mansion. Sad and depressed, she ended to a high school sorority home. There were already 7 high school girls in that house. Apparently, their sorority is for the 'Outsiders' only. Or should I say 'Losers'. Shelly mission is to perform 'extreme makeover' for all the 7 girls so that their sorority become popular and doesn't need to be demolished. 

What will happened? See for yourself. Huhu.

Moan of the movie
The 'U' rating. Totally inappropriate. Do you expect children and elderly to find this kind of movie interesting?

Moment of the movie
The results of the extreme makeover. Hehe. Interesting enough, the girls suddenly very attractive indeed. Thanks for the clothes and the makeup though. Huhu.

3/5  (not that stupid after all..Hehe)

Oil Price

Notice that the oil price is now USD70++. Perhaps this is a good news for us consumers. Earlier this week, Malaysia Gov just reduced the petrol/diesel price. That's the 3rd time in 2 and a half months. Just want to emphasize how the rapid decline of oil price affect our petrol price.

What about oil and gas company? Its actually plays a crucial role in O&G projects. In this industry, in order to embark to a drilling campaign we need to do some cost estimate. The estimation would be based on current price of facilities, services and most important thing, Crude Oil Price!

Imagine, earlier this year during crude price of USD120++, suddenly lots of projects emerged. O&G giants rushed for land acquisition throughout the world. Well of course, during that time the price is USD120++. The estimate for the revenues of course are positive. 

What will happened to those projects that estimated to be positive during that time (USD120) now? Most probably they will undergo another re-estimation for cost. There's high possibility the projects now become negative! Which is not economical to proceed. 

No projects, no oil&gas, no revenues, low production, higher demand. Then? Price will be raise again. Hmm.. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hari Raya 2008

Fav pic. Hehe.

Danish Meet Unc-Al Hussien

Marriott Bombing - Story

It was around 8.00 PM Pakistani time. I was having dinner/iftar with fellow Malaysians at the Malaysian Embassy. The mood is great. In fact, we are all dressed in Baju Kurung and Baju Melayu. There would be a Hari Raya recording session after Isyak at the Embassy. Ironic isn't it?

As we were having our dinner, 'Boom!'. A loud explosion sound silenced the crowd. In fact, we felt the tremor and the wind blows towards us. The Embassy is just around 2 KM from Marriott.

People at the embassy shocked! Moms and Dads searching for their childrens. Bosses started dialing thier phones. We first thought it was a Supermarket that blown up. The market is favourite spot for foreigners/expatriate do their shopping. Bear in mind that foreigners/expatriate that I am talking about is also Malaysians.

Soon after that, the real story popped out. My friend managed to used his phone and surf Yahoo News. 'BREAKING NEWS : MARRIOTT ISLAMABAD BLAST'.

At that time, I'm speechless. I was there 2 weeks earlier. 3 nights stay. Imagine what would happened if the blast was 2 weeks earlier. In fact, I was planning to stay there for my 3 months attachment. Alhamdulillah, my boss invited me to stay at his residence. If not?

Later we learnt that the suicide bomber blown himself at the security post with a truck loaded 600kg of TNT.

The next morning, I was told the building beside Marriott also damaged. Talking about collateral damaged huh? FYI, the building beside Marriot is Evacuee Trust Complex. A business office building which my office is also in it.

I never thought that the explosion will produce such a catastrophic shockwave that it managed to break all the glass windows at ETC. Not only the windows, the offices is also damaged. Roofs fall down. Doors collapsed. Even concrete wall also not spared. Alhamdulillah, there were no one at the office during the explosion. My bosses' offices heavily damaged. Just see for yourself.

This kind of events makes you wonder. Makes you think about Death. How much have you done in Dunia. Is it enough for Akhirat?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Dugaan Ramadhan

This year's Ramadhan prove to be biggest test ever for my family since 1990, which is when my Dad passed away.

I pity my mom very much for this. She really felling depressed by now. I just hope Aidilifitri will bring smile to her.

The reason is because of my brother. My 2nd eldest brother to be exact. Details of it is very personal to disclosed here. All I can say is, 'Ada Hikmah d sebaliknya'.

Nozi & Jiba. Hope that clear things out. Hehe.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fav Songs at the moment

Kinda boring today. Nothing much to do. Hehe. These what I come up with. A list!

1. Balik Kampung - Sudirman Hj Arshad
2. Home - Chris Daughtry
3. Who Says You Can't Go Home - Bon Jovi ft Jeniffer Nettles
4. Leaving on a Jetplane (OST Armageddon) - Chantal Kreviazuk
5. Permintaan Hati - Letto
6. With You - Chris Brown
7. Kepulangan yang dinanti - Aman Shah

Initially, the list is different. :)

1. Dendang Perantau - P Ramlee
2. Apologize - One Republic ft Timbaland
3. Kepulangan yang dinanti - Aman Shah

Y'know what I'm sayin' rite? hehe

updated 4.16 PM Pakistani time

Finally, my Imeem player updated! Hehe.

Pakistan - Part 3

Aladdin lamp! Hehe. Last week, my friend went to buy some sort of a gift to his mom. Well, I was with him that day. Apparently, he wanted to buy this huge Aladdin's lamp.
Guess whats the price? I actually dont know if its cheap or not. Well, I can assure you there isn't any like this lamp available in Malaysia.
My friend bought 2 for Rs 8000. More or less Rm200 for 1 lamp. Expensive? Not sure. I'm sure though its well worthed. Hehe. Actually there is 2 light bulbs inside. One at the bottom, and another one at the top. Wouldn't be nice to put it in your house?
The problem is, how to make it possible for you to bring this thing to Malaysia. In terms of size of course. Huhu.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Bad Day

I received a very bad news today. I'm not sure whether to share or not to y'all.

How bad is it? Simply speaking, bad enough as a emergency reason for me to get back to my home for this Raya.

I just dont have the courage to share this with my boss. I just been here in Islamabad for only 1 week. Now, I am going to persuade my boss to grant my leave application.

Damn! I am desperately in need of a good news now..

Pakistan Part 2

Old Books shop. I think I have seen one in KL. Hehe
The books cheaper anyway compare to KL. Unfortunately, I'm not a Book-Guy.
This was taken at CD/DVD shop. 1 DVD for Rs100. Approx RM 4.52
Security Post at Marriott Hotel. Pretty tight huh? Cars going in will be inspected.
Iftar with Colleagues. Notice the beautiful scenary behind.
Casa Bonita. The guest house I used to spend the night with.
Pakistani delicacies during Iftar
Mineral water. Tap water said is not safe for drinking even after boiling it.
Chicken nuggets. I forgot whats the Urdu language for this. Hehe.
Pokora. Its like Karipap but with vegetables in it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pakistan - Part 1

Cars in Pakistan
Shop lots in Pakistan
Highway in Pakistan
Pakistan - View from Airplane
Pakistan - View from Airplane
Islamabad- View from Airplane
Pakistan - View from Airplane
Arrival/Departure signboard in Urdu language

These are some of pictures I taken recently with my Camera. I have some pictures also taken with my Handphone. Its just that I didn't transfer it yet. Maybe later. Hehe.

Drama Review: It Started With A Kiss

Huh! I have spend 7 hours started from 6am until 1 pm to finish up watching this drama. The drama have 5 dvds...It takes so long to complete watching all dvds but it worth coz this drama is funny and enjoyable. It is Taiwanese drama based on Japanese manga series Itazura no Kiss.... For those who already watched Japanese drama, Itazura no Kiss (Kotoko Aihara and Naoki Irie) may know the baseline of this story...hehe...

The story begin when a naive and clumsy girl from F class, Xiang Xin decided to give a love letter to top student, Zhi Shu (from A class which has 200 IQ and very genius) afer 2 years have a crush on him. However, he ignore her and left her humiliated publicly in front of the entire school.

The next day, Xiang Xin's house collaped due to earthquake and left homeless because they lacked of foresight to pay for earhquake insurance. Zhi Shu's parents is old college friend of Xiang Xin's father and invite both of them to live at their house. So...Zhi Shu and Xiang Xin live under the same roof now...hehe...Many things happened here and the story is very interesting. Through the course of the series, Zhi Shu slowly warms up to Xiang Qin, who tries her hardest to do better in school for him, as they deal with romantic rivals, their futures, and their relationship. Furthermore, this drama showed their university life and their weird marriage ceremony...

Try to watch yourselve....huhu

Moment of the Drama
Wedding ceremony which held near lake and the bride and the bridegroom is exchanging outfit...
haha...the bridegroom is wearing dress....

The moment Zhi Shu confess his love to Xiang Xin...I have waited for this scene and finally have it at last episod...hehe

Moan of the Drama
Only Xiang Xin's house is collapped at the area.. The other houses did not effected by the earthquake...Tipu tul...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pakistan prepaid

I just bought a Pakistani prepaid sim card 2 days ago. I was informed that international calling from Pakistani to Malaysia or vice versa is cheap. I've just browse the website. The rate is Rs 9.99 per minute. That's RM0.45 cent per minute. Cheap huh?
I dont know the rate for international call from Malaysia to Pakistan though. I'll check on that later. Hehe.

5 Days in Pakistan

Its been a while since I last actively blogging. Hehe. Actually, I have some sort of Internet difficulties in here, Islamabad. In Malaysia, I do have my Broadband wherever I go. But now? I fully dependent on my office internet access. Pity me huh?

Its been interesting journey so far for me here. Been knowing lots of people. Malaysians and Pakistani as a whole. In month of Ramadhan makes this experience more interesting.

The first 2 words I learnt in Pakistan is 'Sahri' and 'Iftar'. Sahri refers to 'sahur', while Iftar refers to 'buka puasa'. I remember one time at Karachi airport, I actually dont know whats 'berbuka puasa' in English. I accidentally said "Do you know what time do Karachi break-fast?". Funny huh? Breaking your fasting is the same as 'Berbuka puasa' right? Hehe. Nevertheless, she understood what I meant.

I've been Iftar with fellow Pakistani family during my first day fasting in Pakistan. I also had an iftar with Malaysian Embassy here. Last 2 days, my boss hold an iftar and invite is subordinate to his house. And today, my project is going to have an iftar session at a restaurant. Yeah. Free meals for me. Not to mention, more fat for me!. Damn.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Karachi, Pakistan

Right now, I am blogging from Karachi. Yup, after 5 and a half hours of flight. Flight to Islamabad is on 7.00 PM. Thats Pakistani time. In Malaysian time, it would be 9.00 PM.

My watch is showing 7.17. Dah berbuka puasa! Hehe. Minus 2 hours for Pakistani time though. Hehe.

I had a tough day today. So sad to leave her. Ermm..

Been trying to call her just now. International call. Masuk voicemail box le plak~!

I think thats all for now. Blog later. Chow~!

p/s please log on your YM dear..

Monday, September 1, 2008