Sunday, September 14, 2008

Drama Review: It Started With A Kiss

Huh! I have spend 7 hours started from 6am until 1 pm to finish up watching this drama. The drama have 5 dvds...It takes so long to complete watching all dvds but it worth coz this drama is funny and enjoyable. It is Taiwanese drama based on Japanese manga series Itazura no Kiss.... For those who already watched Japanese drama, Itazura no Kiss (Kotoko Aihara and Naoki Irie) may know the baseline of this story...hehe...

The story begin when a naive and clumsy girl from F class, Xiang Xin decided to give a love letter to top student, Zhi Shu (from A class which has 200 IQ and very genius) afer 2 years have a crush on him. However, he ignore her and left her humiliated publicly in front of the entire school.

The next day, Xiang Xin's house collaped due to earthquake and left homeless because they lacked of foresight to pay for earhquake insurance. Zhi Shu's parents is old college friend of Xiang Xin's father and invite both of them to live at their house. So...Zhi Shu and Xiang Xin live under the same roof now...hehe...Many things happened here and the story is very interesting. Through the course of the series, Zhi Shu slowly warms up to Xiang Qin, who tries her hardest to do better in school for him, as they deal with romantic rivals, their futures, and their relationship. Furthermore, this drama showed their university life and their weird marriage ceremony...

Try to watch yourselve....huhu

Moment of the Drama
Wedding ceremony which held near lake and the bride and the bridegroom is exchanging outfit...
haha...the bridegroom is wearing dress....

The moment Zhi Shu confess his love to Xiang Xin...I have waited for this scene and finally have it at last episod...hehe

Moan of the Drama
Only Xiang Xin's house is collapped at the area.. The other houses did not effected by the earthquake...Tipu tul...


Xien said...

wah.. terer ek wat review skg.. heheh..

nanti pinjam cd ni tau.. huhu

liza said...

da xde sape nak review movie terpaksa la tlg wat...hehehe...Bleh je nak lmbt lg nak balik kan...

Xien said...

Ending die dorg kawin ke? ceh.. heheh

liza said...

A'ah dorg kawen..sorrry, da reveal ending lak...hehe...

Anonymous said...

aku dh agak dh n3 ni liza yg tulis. oh cik liza ni stil lg meneruskn activity lme die marathon vcd...

liza said...

Bkn slalu leh wat jiba... hehe... tu pun aku da tgk sket2 tiap2 mlm...da nak abis tu kena marathon... xsbr nak tau ending...hehe