Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wish List!

Yeah.. Hehe. Its not for Christmas actually. Just for my personal wish list. Hehe. Actually these are the things I really like and looking forward to buy. If not this year, maybe next year or a year later or even yearsss later. Huhu. The list goes..

1. Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. Hehe. I've been surveying for this gadget quite some time. Personally, quite unsatisfied. Not because of the price though. Hohoho. I do have other options. RM3199!!
2. Nintendo Wii. Yeah. Earlier this year I was dreaming of owning a PS3. But, I prefer Wii nowadays. Maybe because of the Nunchuck! Hehe. Not to mention, the wii fit and wii sports. Also, Guitar Hero! Damn. At the moment the price is RM1150.

3. Vios. Dark blue to be exact. Hmm.. Maybe I need to scale down a lil' bit there. Swift? or maybe Viva.
4. DSLR. I used to snap photos a lot during U days. In fact, I like doing so. Huhu. I do have a Samsung u750 with me right now. Huhu. I guess its not enough. And yes, this was influenced by my brothers of course.

I guess its more than a dream than a wish right? Hmm. In fact, I do afford to buy these right now. I mean today. But, I've already made a choice. The toughest choice I made so far in my life.

Buy a House!

I guess, I need to stop enjoy-enjoy and start think about the future huh? Isn't too early for that? No lah. In fact, I already start buying Anjung Seri magazine.. Hehe..

The truth is, I still can buy all those items eventhough I proceed with the house. It may takes some time. Or some Oversea Outstations to do it..Hehe, if y'know what I mean.

Lets just make it 2009 Wish List! (I was thinking adding bath tub, threadmill, home-theatre to the list house maa)

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