Monday, June 23, 2008

Movie Review : Made of Honour

As usual, another movie review after the weekend. Hehe. This time around, it was Patrick Dempsey's Made of Honour. The plan was to watch Mark Wahlberg's The Happening or The Rock's Get Smart. Already fully booked! Damn. That leave us just for Made of Honour.

I predicted that the movie would be some sort of Julia Roberts' My Best Friend's Wedding. Indeed, I was correct! :) The only difference is that Patrick Dempsey become the other significant other. Yup, a male. Instead of female in My Best Friend's Wedding.

The story started out by showing how Tom (Pat Dempsey) being involved with in sex with different kind of women. Yup, enough explaining that.

And one day, he accidentally slept with the heroin. Tom thought she was another girl who he supposed to spent the night with. Actually nothing much happened. Except that the woman hit and sprayed Tom in the eye with a perfume! That's the turning point.

Can you imagine, you spent 10 years after that you be-friended with the girl you almost ehem-ehem with? Yup, just friends. This thing can happened huh?

To cut long story short, as Tom was supposed to expressed his feeling towards the girl, the girl announced she was getting married. Ironic isn't it? The rival happened to be a fellow scottish guy who helps her during her works at Scotland. What happened was, she involved with a thunderstorm and at the same couldn't continue to drive because of a herd of cows jamming up the road. The scotsmen came to the rescue with a horse! Talking about fairy-tale prince charming huh?

To make things worse, she elected Tom as the Maid of Honour. Actually i dont know if this MOH thing practiced in Malaysia. Hehe. MOH usually the bride's female friend who would assist the bride in her preparation for the wedding.

But, Tom's had other plan. He want to steal the girl. In order to do that, he took the offer and become MOH so that he can spent more time with her and then steal her. You got my point right? See it for yourself for more clearer picture. :)

Moan of the movie

10 years? Too long I think. Even 5 years I think was long enough. Can a guy and a girl be best friends for 10 years? I mean FRIENDS.. BEST.. 10 YEARS?? Come on..hehe. Also no 'Say A Little Prayer' scene. Hehe.

Moment of the movie

Nothing worth mentioning. :)

Overall rating


1 comment:

liza said...

Cite ni best la...awat letak 2.5 je