Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Movie Preview #1 : Get Smart

Yup. A preview. Hehe. I still didn't watch this movie. I do expect this movie will be great. We have The Rock in it! The rock played as an Agent in this movie. I supposed he will be some sort assisting this Smart guy (Steve Carrell) to perform a mission. Not sure what mission is that.

And yeah, Anne Hathaway also in the movie. Isn't she the one starred in Princess Diaries and also Devils wear Prada? Huhu.

*update on 26/06/08

I did watch the movie yesterday. Hehe. Again of course together with L. Overall, I gave this movie a 4.5/5 rating. Hillarious. Hehe.

Moment of the movie
Everything's funny. You should see it for yourself. Hehe. Especially the dancing scene. Smart dance with a WoOooMan. A 'Big' Woman.

Also, Nakamura from Heroes also stars in this movie. Masi Oka plays as a computer expert deals with gadgets for the agents.

Moan of the Movie
The Rock is actually the bad guy! Also, No Rock Bottom! If y'know what I'm saying. Hehe..


liza said...

Funny movie...hehe...
It's worth to watch...

najiba said...

cancel trus nk tgk movie ni ble tau si nakamura from Heroes tu belakon. nyampah gle watak die dlm Heroes tu buat sakit ati j

Xien said...

best ape Hiro Nakamura.. cet.. watak die sket je lam cite nie..

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.