Monday, June 30, 2008

EURO 2008 : Final

Its a cracking match as I predicted it is! Well, before the tournament start I do predict Germany or Portugal will battle it out to be crowned champion. As the game goes by, Spain is the one who deserve it.

Young players, great tactics, great coach, great captain and TORRES! You got it only in Spain.

In fact, last night even the strongest 'twin towers' couldn't handle this 'Kid'. Mertasacker and Metzelder forced to give their very best to contain 'El-Nino'. Eventually, Torres managed to lose his marker(s) and lobbed the ball over the in-rushing Lehmann. 1-0.

The scores remain until the final whistle. Germany do create a few chances. But Spain can increased the margin with some great football by the players. Torres header hit the post in the early minutes. Xavi and Fabregas tested Lehman a few times. Marcus Senna should score his first international goal after his sliding kick missed the ball when the goal already wide opened.

Man of the Match? Sergio Ramos. Germany's leading goalscorer, Podolski had a tough time dealing with him. And his diving header cleared off the line by Frings should have been a great goal.

Monday Blues..

Damn ngantuk.. Xde mood nk wat keje.. ermMm.. ni sebab tgk bola semalam..

Nanti la wat repot.. ZzZzz..

btw, SPAIN menang..

Friday, June 27, 2008

DFE : Misinformed or Dont want to be informed

My boss said something that makes me think. Well, its got to do of my company's issue. If y'know what I meant. :)

He said. "Ada 2 jenis; 1 yg misinformed, 1 lagi yg dont want to be informed."

Whats the difference?

"Misinformed ni senang kita nak jawab pertanyaan dorg. Yg 1 lagi nie, ko jawab ape pun dorg x kan percaya." He elaborated further.

In fact, we do discussed how to deal with the 2nd kind of 'Species".

"Kita buat bodo je", explained by another colleague. True..its true..

DFE : Bonus

This is what one of my 'Senior' guy said to me ;

"Kalau dapat 1 bulan je bonus, aku cuti 1 bulan jugak! Kalau kurang, aku kena start submit CV."

Hehe.. It means a lot!

EURO 2008 : Semi Final 2

Yes, I did watch the match this morning. Huhu. One sided match! Duh!

At least at the first half I should say 50-50. Cesc Fabregas change the game. And of course in favour of Spain! Wuhuu.. Thats a 21 year old y'know. Real Madrid should chase this guy instead of that Portugese guy, so called 'Best Player in the World'!. Hmm..

Enough said, Spain win 3-0. Goals scored in the second half. The first one from Xavi Hernandes who slide the ball after brilliant run from the left by Iniesta. Iniesta crossed, and with a perfect time slide, Igor Akinfeev couldn't do nothing.

The second goal come from the substitute. Mallorca's Daniel Guiza scored after brilliant flick by Cesc Fabregas. He chested the ball and squeeze it past Akinfeez. That's the Top Goalscorer of La Liga last season. Damn. Spanish do have the most talented young players.

The 3rd goal scored by another promising youngster, David Silva. I kinda like the way he plays. Left footed player but always roaming outside the box. He scored by kick a well placed shot into the left corner of Russian's post. 3-0.

Post-match review: Hiddink admitted that Cesc Fabregas do change the way russians played. Arshavin also didn't have so much to do. Puyol marked him very tight indeed.

The final will be another cracking match! The battle of midfielders! :)

As for me? NGANTUK!!.. haha.. Tidur kat masjid le jawabnye..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

DFE : Gas To Wire

I just received a call by my Line Manager. Hehe. At last! Some work not related with my project. Basically, he appointed me as one of the secretariat for this project. Its called GTW. I wouldn't disclosed any details on the project, but just brief description on what is GTW.

Gas to Wire System concept is onsite power generation by produced gas. Means that we used the produced gas directly from the platform to produce electricity for commercial. Conventional way was (1) transport the gas first using pipeline or LNG tanker to onshore before being used. (2) Using the produced gas also to generate electricity but the electric will only be used offshore, the usage of the platform(s).

Google it for yourself. :)

Sports : Euro 2008 Semi-Final 1

Ngantuk.. hehe.. Tengok bola sampai kul 5 pagi tadi.. Damn.. Its well worthed.

Germany menang 3-2. Bukan sebab Germany menang. Sebab 5 gol! hehe.. Personally, I do think Turkey deserve to win. Dorg control game dari awal. Germany kelam kabut. Masa Torsten Frings masuk baru la ok sikit.

Aku bengang gak semalam. Boleh tengah2 tgk bola tu rancangan tergendala! I thought Astro Supersports that having problem. Tukar channel Tv3, NTV7, rupa2nya sama gak. Bengong. Even gol Klose pn tv tak tunjuk. Cet~!.

Nasib baik gol Lahm tu ada. wooOhoo.. tambah lagi point aku Yahoo Fantasy Sports. Yeah!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Movie Preview #1 : Get Smart

Yup. A preview. Hehe. I still didn't watch this movie. I do expect this movie will be great. We have The Rock in it! The rock played as an Agent in this movie. I supposed he will be some sort assisting this Smart guy (Steve Carrell) to perform a mission. Not sure what mission is that.

And yeah, Anne Hathaway also in the movie. Isn't she the one starred in Princess Diaries and also Devils wear Prada? Huhu.

*update on 26/06/08

I did watch the movie yesterday. Hehe. Again of course together with L. Overall, I gave this movie a 4.5/5 rating. Hillarious. Hehe.

Moment of the movie
Everything's funny. You should see it for yourself. Hehe. Especially the dancing scene. Smart dance with a WoOooMan. A 'Big' Woman.

Also, Nakamura from Heroes also stars in this movie. Masi Oka plays as a computer expert deals with gadgets for the agents.

Moan of the Movie
The Rock is actually the bad guy! Also, No Rock Bottom! If y'know what I'm saying. Hehe..

Petrol Station

Yesterday, I had a brief discussion with my senior. The topic was Petrol Station. Yesterday, most of the petrol station owner banned Credit Card usage in their stations. Motorists will be found this very discouraging.

  1. The price already HIGH, Credit Card would be preferable for buying the petrol.
  2. Unlike cash, credit card used so that even slightest 35 or 7 cents to make your petrol tank full can be done. Most motorist used cash in sum of RM10, 20, or even RM50. They dont even know their tank will be full or not.
The truth is, the petrol station owner do have their reasons. Due to the recent price hike, the cost of their maintenance or management might as well increased. According to my senior,

  1. The commission given to the Petrol station owner given was based on per litre bought by motorist. Not by price. Means that eventhough the petrol price is increased, they still have the same amount of income. For instance, previously for RM 1.90 per litre, they receive 10 cents per litre. As of now, they still receive 10 cents for RM 2.70.
  2. For banks/credit cards, the commission given to them is based on price. Its like buying items on the shops. Means that the banks actually gather more due for this price hike if motorists started used credit cards.
Can we blame them? I'm not sure whether to blame them for yesterday's chaotic scene at Sabah. For sure they gained a lot just for yesterday. In fact, might as well the Most Profitable day in their history. I'm not sure who/where/when this hoax SMS started.

I am just wondering what happened if the SMS actually came true. Emm..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

EEunderground : Blog update

Finally, the blog is active. As for now. :) I just hope it will continue for the next couple of months or even years. :)

You might want to check Kimi's posting here. The pics are awesome. Huhu. Mana ko buat Kimi? Hehe. This is one of the pics. (pinjam jap ek Kimi..)

DFE : Boring day

No work for me today. I was supposed to attend a training at Putrajaya. Protection Schemes and Devices for a period of 5 days. Well, I guessed maybe next time. Hehe.

I spent most of my time today in the office reading and studying about Electrical. Yeah, I am still studying. My seniors in the department currently having some sort of Assesment by our experts. As a Junior, my time will come next year! Gosh.

I just spoke to one of our expert, he said "Dont worry, just study your project's documents".

He continue with, "It doesnt mean you have to memorize all, you just have to understand it"

"Agree. And of course one should know what he dont understand". I replied.

He smile and said, "That's when you come to us and ask for further clarification".

I do like the eagerness and willingness of our experts in developing us, young engineers. The problem is that only a few take the chances. This is due to the fact most of our time preoccupied with projects work and dont have time to discuss with the experts.

As for me? I've got time. But, I've got so much to ask and dont know where to start? Can somebody help me? Huhu.

Monday, June 23, 2008

PSP #1 : EURO 2008

Well, someone said I should post something about my hobby. Yup, PlayStation portable. PlayStation is kinda cool. I've been a regular player since I was a kid. PSOne or PS2. PS3 not yet! Plan to buy one when I have my own home. I mean, real home. :)

Currently I am playing EA Sports' EURO 2008. I'm not really a big fan of football games EA Sports created. For me, Konami's still the best. Well, since EA Sports got the exclusive licensed to produce EURO 2008 game, I don't have any choice. Hehe.

Before this, I did play FIFA 2008. It turned out that the gameplay is not the same. I noticed that the most significant change was the button configuration. For Winning Eleven fans, they may find EURO 2008 interesting. Why? You can change the button config the same as you usually play WE or Pro Evo. So? Its just playing the same game but different graphics and totally different AI. I still prefer the realistic and AI of Pro Evo.

Also, EA Sports still kept the 2 mini games available for FIFA 2008 which were the 'Hit the Wall' and 'Juggling the ball'. You should try the juggling. Kinda fun. Hehe.

I just completed the EURO 2008 challenge with England team. Yeah, England did qualify for 2008 in my game. In fact, they become Champion! Woohooo~!

Movie Review : Made of Honour

As usual, another movie review after the weekend. Hehe. This time around, it was Patrick Dempsey's Made of Honour. The plan was to watch Mark Wahlberg's The Happening or The Rock's Get Smart. Already fully booked! Damn. That leave us just for Made of Honour.

I predicted that the movie would be some sort of Julia Roberts' My Best Friend's Wedding. Indeed, I was correct! :) The only difference is that Patrick Dempsey become the other significant other. Yup, a male. Instead of female in My Best Friend's Wedding.

The story started out by showing how Tom (Pat Dempsey) being involved with in sex with different kind of women. Yup, enough explaining that.

And one day, he accidentally slept with the heroin. Tom thought she was another girl who he supposed to spent the night with. Actually nothing much happened. Except that the woman hit and sprayed Tom in the eye with a perfume! That's the turning point.

Can you imagine, you spent 10 years after that you be-friended with the girl you almost ehem-ehem with? Yup, just friends. This thing can happened huh?

To cut long story short, as Tom was supposed to expressed his feeling towards the girl, the girl announced she was getting married. Ironic isn't it? The rival happened to be a fellow scottish guy who helps her during her works at Scotland. What happened was, she involved with a thunderstorm and at the same couldn't continue to drive because of a herd of cows jamming up the road. The scotsmen came to the rescue with a horse! Talking about fairy-tale prince charming huh?

To make things worse, she elected Tom as the Maid of Honour. Actually i dont know if this MOH thing practiced in Malaysia. Hehe. MOH usually the bride's female friend who would assist the bride in her preparation for the wedding.

But, Tom's had other plan. He want to steal the girl. In order to do that, he took the offer and become MOH so that he can spent more time with her and then steal her. You got my point right? See it for yourself for more clearer picture. :)

Moan of the movie

10 years? Too long I think. Even 5 years I think was long enough. Can a guy and a girl be best friends for 10 years? I mean FRIENDS.. BEST.. 10 YEARS?? Come on..hehe. Also no 'Say A Little Prayer' scene. Hehe.

Moment of the movie

Nothing worth mentioning. :)

Overall rating



I dont know if I spell it correctly. Hehe. First and foremost I just want to reiterate that this blog was a personal blog. Dont like it??Just get the hell outta here!.

Blogging for me is just sharing your thoughts for anything specific that mentioned in the blog. And for this blog, nothing specific. I just wrote what I have in my mind. This is not Euro 2008 blog, or Electrical blog. Its just MY blog!

take it or leave it. :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

EURO 2008 : Portugal out

Yup, sad but true. Huhu. Ronaldo alone just cannot defeat the Gers. But, to be honest, the match was awesome. 2-3 the final score. And the Portugese defeated by 2 goals by set pieces. Felipe Scolari should emphasized on this for the match.

Paulo Ferreira against Klose? Again Paulo Ferreira against Ballack? Marking was awful. Pepe or Carvalho should mark these guys. Damn!

As I posted earlier, I predict Portugal vs Germany in Semis. It turned out that they battle it out in quarter. The winner takes all. Germany for champion! I just hope Russia will beat the Oranje. Hehe.

EEunderground #5 : EEunderground blog

I remember, a few months back my friend suggest for us to create a blog. And I'm the one who's some sort of disagree. Reason why is that blogging needs time. Since all of us are currently preoccupied with works already, we might dont have time to post any thing.

As I see it right now, its like 'Nak tak nak je'. Means, if you want it, just do it. Time will always be there. In fact, I just consult my friends in the email and most of them agree. The reason is that its about time already. Before this, 'e-mel berantai' keeps on filling our inbox. Maybe after the blog, we may consider create Forum or Online Community. :)

Just now, I happened to discover my friend, Najiba also has her own blog. And since the blog considered private, I cannot disclosed the address here. hehe.

As for EEunderground blog, Farid@exjoker already created the blog.

Dont bother to go there. No post available yet. Farid, mana ko?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grand Kampar, Perak

Last 2 days, i went for my project's teambuilding session. Fun and tiring. Thats what i've experienced in these 2 days.

I may not like the fact that Kampar had been chosen. The initial plan was to be organise at A Famosa resort, malacca. But somehow the venue changed.

One thing thats demotivated me was there were no beaches or places to get wet. In fact, our outdoor activities done in football field. Unlike other hotels and resorts that have dedicated teambuilding facilities.

The foods and accomodation are fine with me. As long as it is free, then its ok. Hehe

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tamco Switchgear

I have another training starting today. Level 2: Testing and Troubleshooting. The venue is Tamco, PJ.

Yup, it isn't a hotel. No 5 stars training room, or 5 stars lunch for me. But, Tamco has something that hotel doesn't have. A switchgear factory!

A lot of things can be learned by hands on to the exact equipments.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Euro 2008: Players to Watch

Personally, I hope managers will give priorities for youngster. Forget about Piero, Saha, Larsson, Vieira, Klose, Schneider or even Euro 04 top scorer, Baros.

These are the playes I hope plays a big part in this year's tournament.
1. France: Benzema, Toulalan, Nasri.
2. Holland: Afellay and Huntelaar
3. Italy: Quagriella, De Rossi
4. Spain: Ramos, Villa
5. Germany: Mario Gomez
6. Croatia: Modric and Kranjcar
7. Portugal: Moatinho and Nani
8. Sweden: Sebastian Larsson
9. Turkey: Tuncay

Team to watch would be Portugal and Spain.

Big team that will leave early: France! Hehe

Most likely to spring a surprise: Croatia

Golden boot contender: Torres, Ronaldo, Klose

Oil Price hike

Last night was a bad day for all motorists in Malaysia. Petrol priced at Rm2.70, a 78 sen raise.

The interesting fact was:
1. According to Buletin Utama, global price market was rm3.00 per litre.
2. Since our current PM in helm, diesel price are now 4 times more expensive.
3. According to the 'price' minister, this price will revised every month.
4. Petronas Gas subsidy for Power and Indurstrial usage also revised in favour of Petronas.
5. The rebates given seems unconvincing and failed to overcome consumers hatred.

One thing for sure, Malaysia become more interesting day by day.

Euro 2008

Euro fever is back! This time, i've picked Portugal as my fav team. Yes, they've got Cristiano Ronaldo in it.

Why i chose Portugal is not totally because of that guy. The team is actually the same that lose to Greece on Euro 04. Add in it some new faces, which are Bosingwa, Veloso, Nani, Almeda and Pepe, the team are much better.

Other interesting players are Barcelona's Deco, Porto's Quaresma, Simao, Chelsea's Carlvalho and Paulo Ferreira. Not to forget Sporting Lisbon's Joao Mautinho, a Man U target.

My bid is that Germany-Portugal in semi. Winner will eventually win the Cup.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

DFE: Cathodic Protection level 1

Right now, i still at Royale Bintang. Learn CP level 1. Just now, the instructor ask pretty simple question. Electrical current flow from where to where?

If i remember correctly, during my school days, the physics teacher taught me current flow from positive to negative. I couldnt disagree no more.

At U, lecturer explains that current flow from negative to positive. Reason why is that electron flows the same way. And yes, you shouldnt argue with your lecturer. Hehe.

Now, the instructor explained the true fact. The answer is, IT DEPENDS. It still confusing to me. Maybe in next posts i'll explained. I need Google this one. Or Wiki?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Movie Review: Drillbit Taylor

Last Friday, L and I went for another movie outing. That time, Owen Wilson's Drillbit Taylor was on cinema.

The movie started by highlighting how miserable Drillbit Taylor was. He's homeless, pathetic, loser and a beggar. There was no scene showed where he slept actually.

At the same, 3 nerd kids have problems with a bully in their school. They need protection. A bodyguard. But of course, good bodyguard doesnt come cheap. Only 1 person fit the bill. He's cheap, he's Drillbit.

After that,... you need to watch for yourself. Hehe..

Moment of The movie
Drillbit teach the 3 kids how to fight. Its like a crab teach 3 baby crabs how to walk straight forward.

Moan of the movie
No chicks. No girl power. Actually, drillbit had a gf. But, the character only had small part in the movie. The same thing for the asian girl.

Final Rating

DFE: Lighting Level 1

The Royale Bintang. That was the name of this hotel. First time for me to attend training at bukit bintang.

First thing comes into my mind this morning was 'what i would like to do after the training ends?'

Low yat? Sg. Wang? Hehe after all, i'll be here for a period of 4 days.

Nak kirim pa pe x?