Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Movie Review #2 : What Happens in Vegas

The movie started out with both Ashton and Cameron had problems with their love relationship. Jack (Ashton) seems unorganized and not really a family man, while Joy(Cameron) was dumped by his ex-fiance in front of her friends.

To cut story short, both decided to forget about everything and went to Vegas. If you did saw the trailer of this movie, you would probably knew already what will happened. Both get married (Vegas style!). As they were going to divorce the next day, Jack hit the Jackpot 3 Million! The quarter (coin) used by Jack, happened to be Joy's. Both arguing about who supposed to win the 3 Mil.

The argumenet continues in New York, where the judge decided to put both of them on some sort of 6 Months Probation. The purpose is simple. To respect Marriage and value how good husband and wife should be. Yeah, very good and noble judge indeed. Hehe.

Next scenes was hilarious. Hehe. You got to see the movie. Very funny indeed. I'm not going to spoil you. Hehe..

Moan of the Movie
I just couldn't understand why the Judge decided the 6 months probation. And also, Jack's friend. Who is he? Lawyer?

Moment of the Movie
Funniest thing I think was the Therapy Sessions. Hehe.. Especially when Jack explained how he got hit by Joy which in reality just a set up to make Joy look bad. The funny thing is that Joy actually video recorded how Jack actually been hit by his friends to make it more real.


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