Sunday, May 18, 2008

Beautiful Sunday

I'm so bored today. Hehe.. I decide to add posts to my blog. WTF!

Hey, what actually i want to blog on? Sports?? Movies?? The fact that I like many stuffs makes me harder to focus to only one subject.

Hell yeah, maybe I should give it a try. Blogging for anything that pops out of my head.

Politics? Nah.. Lots of SoPo blogs these days. Do I need to mention RPK's malaysia-today, rocky's bru, jeff ooi's screenshots, Mahathir's chedet on this blog?

Local entertainment? Nope. We have already the professionals do what they do best, telling stories in interesting way. If you are truly AF fan, you might came across Joe Lee's Klubbkidd, Sultan Muzaffar or Vermont's Mr Manager.

Sports? I'm not that good in sports. Yeah, I meant both. Writing about sports or doing sports activities. Hehe.. Let the professional do that.

Movies? Might be a good idea. Since I kinda like watching 1 movie every week. Hehe..

My love story? F***!! Do people really care?? Haha..

My work? Its kinda interesting for some, or might be boring for some. So, maybe 1 or 2 posts would be ok. Or maybe I should start 'Blogging Live from Offshore Platform'?

Diary? It would be good to share what I do/did in my everyday's life. Maybe my friends and families want to know where I am and what I do. Well, its been a while since I went back to my hometown. Damn, how I miss Sabah..

So, what do u think?

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