Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Azam 2009 berjaya!

Yezza.. U read it right.. Hohoho.. Refer here.

Plus the house.. Wow.. Its more than I wished for already.

1. Yup, I owned Xperia X1 now. Eventhough still x puas ati ngn kebolehan and capability die. Setakat leh tgk email and metal design tu, bagi aku da cukup ok.
2. Next thing I bought was DSLR. Yeah. Sony A300 to be exact. I got great bargain from my brother. People say Sony DSLR camera x best. But who cares anyway. Just want to try lor. Consider myself an Advance amateur photographer by now. Hehe.
3. I bought a C.A.R. Yup.. I finally revealed it in this blog. Hehe. Its WSR8305, Bronze Mica color. If you saw one, horn la ye.. hehe.
4. And last week, I bought Wii. Hoho. Its in my room right now. And totally Cool. Sekarang tgh belajar main Winning Eleven Wii version.. damn funny.. Hehe..

and finally the house of course. Hoho..

Actually, right now concentrating on my wedding preparations already. Hoho. X la busy sgt pun.. nanti aku update. Ngehehe

1 comment:

liza said...

Ada gtau dlm blog pasal Wii ek..