Thursday, September 4, 2008

Karachi, Pakistan

Right now, I am blogging from Karachi. Yup, after 5 and a half hours of flight. Flight to Islamabad is on 7.00 PM. Thats Pakistani time. In Malaysian time, it would be 9.00 PM.

My watch is showing 7.17. Dah berbuka puasa! Hehe. Minus 2 hours for Pakistani time though. Hehe.

I had a tough day today. So sad to leave her. Ermm..

Been trying to call her just now. International call. Masuk voicemail box le plak~!

I think thats all for now. Blog later. Chow~!

p/s please log on your YM dear..


liza said...

Laptop xleh nak install YM...da byk kali try...

aziah said...

lor..kesian nye...gune mail pun boleh aa nnt auto msk ym...tue kalo xgune yg classic kalo kat utem nie smua die blog so mmg xleh aa nk msk...ish..
ha lagik satu leh try ym gune meebo..gune jek site

nico robin said...

akum...kenal tak zadil hayat? sekarang ni dia kat uzbekistan tapi carigali lah...sajer curious!! btw beli la pashmina utk liza my bro belikan utk kitorang 15dollar jek

liza said...

pashmina? Ape tuh?

nico robin said... selendang tuh tapi pakistan nyer kat sini main ratus ratus (cuba tengok kat klcc tue)kalau kat sana murah tahap gaban...