Friday, August 8, 2008

DFE : An offer that I couldn't refuse

I have 15 minutes to write this entry. Hehe. Its Friday prayer. And today's 080808. I didn't expect any great things happened though. It turned out to be a very insteresting day indeed.

My boss offered me something I cant refuse. Actually I can.. Hehe. I just want to emphasize how important this thing is.

An offer to work on Oversea project is a dream for each of young engineers in my department. 'Oversea' that we are talking is Pakistan. Although 3 months period is considered to be too short, but hey..Oversea is Oversea ok! Kidding though. Hehe.

Its important for me because I do like challenges. And actually I'll stationed in Dubai and not in Pakistan. The engineering will be done in Dubai. But first, I need to reply back to my boss by Monday. I mean in 3 days time.

My only concerned will be my family and L. Wonder what will they say.. Please say yes. Hehe.

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