Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Found great site here..

Very good. Want to try for my Engagement photos. Huhu. Will upload when I finished.

and do try this at your home. Download the software. Its DIY. Do (Design) It Yourself!

p/s kalau nk print, kena submit and of coz kena bayar~.. hehehee..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Susahnya cari rumah

Rumah sewa.. susahnye.. hohoho..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Paramount Condo

Well. At least I have an option. Hehe. I did tell this to HER. Unexpectedly die x suka.. Hoho. Well of course la jauh.

The thing is, I still dont know am I confirmed totally demob back to KL? Still not confirm. I hate uncertainties. Damn it. Can the managers decide already?

Oh well, I still need a place to pack my stuffs back at my brother's house. Liza's house is an option. But still, where am I going to stay weekends in KL? That's why prefer somewhere near Setiawangsa or Keramat. Hoho.

Worst case, Paramount Condo. PJ. Very near to LRT Paramount. Some more, my ex-schoolmates also rent the same house. It would be extra fun. Hehe. After all, I'll be staying maybe 6 months only. Till my house is ready lor.. Which is in December.

PJ to Ampang is like 30 minutes drive. Plus Jam.. and Toll. A lot of things need to consider. Argh.. I need a panadol. :(

Monday, July 13, 2009

[WTR] House at Setiawangsa / AU2

WTR refers to Want to Rent!

Yup. Searching for a new home right now. Hehe..

Sape2 yg ade tau kekosongan kat mane2, pleaseee..gtau ek..

Room/House should be ok.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

MCD extend?

Dont know its good or bad.. 1 thing for sure, its shocking!

MCD refers to Mechanical Completion Date. Date expected of my project to be completely fabricated. Extended means postponed. Yup, there will be no rush!

2 options right now.

1. Stationed back at KL. Hmm.. No more blue wave la after this.. hohoho
2. Stay at MMHE. Doing design.

Either way, i think its ok for me. Huhu.

Option 1. I can prepare my Wedding properly.
Option 2. No change as of my life right now. Huhu.