Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Politician said the darndest thing?

Have you read this?

Its funny though politician these days. The only concerns on numbers. Yup, figures, percentage, profit, losses. They are not even care about the whys? the whats? the hows?

Thats the difference between a politician and Others you might say.

I might not the best person to explain this. Put it this way laa.. Let say you open a Shop. A grocery shop to be exact. Somehow, you sell rice. Plenty of them. At the same time you have neighbour sale rice also. 1 Day, a rich guy wants to buy almost all the rice you have. You, in returns didnt have rice to supply your family. Of course you supply for your family for free or even lesser price than you cahrge the rich fella. What will you do?

1. Forget about the rich fella. Continue to supply for your family. Family first right?
2. Take the offer from the rich fella. You can makes a lot of money. At the same time, you buy from your neighbour with less price also. With the money, you can actually buy more rice from others and even can harvest more for the future.

So which one?

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