Friday, May 22, 2009

MAY day..


I love May.. Hehe.. Especially on the 24th! Not that I excited that Yus will be getting married, its just that's my day. My Birthday!

I remember last year, it was Isham's wedding day also. Meaning to say that I'll be celebrating my birthday and also my friends' anniversary.

Funny huh?

Even funnier is that I might be the one who will remind Yus and Isham about their anniversary. Hehe. Maybe later 3 or 4 years from now la kan.. Kot-kot la dorang lupa time tu.. Huhu..

To Isham, Happy Anniversary..

To Yus, Selamat melangsungkan perkahwinan.. Yeah..

to Me? No.. Not Happy Birthday yet..

Plan to celebrate my birthday 2 days in advance with Ijai and Farid tonight.. Some more, we have free cake what? Hahaha.. Kan farid?

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