Thursday, April 30, 2009

Work with the COMPANY

Yeah. From now onwards, I'll be using COMPANY to address my company. Hehe. COMPANY as in the Prison Break series. Yeah!

Yesterday, a friend of mine IM me asking if there's vacancy in COMPANY. Frankly speaking, there's a LOT. That, if you are asking for talented and experienced professionals. 3 years experienced not enough.

I remember last year, COMPANY organized a walk-in interview somewhere near KLCC. This is indeed a RARE one. If you read the advertisement correctly, the requirements is at least 7 years. Thats 3+4 years of experience.

I'm not saying that COMPANY is not looking for an employer with 3 years of experience. But hell yeah, why dont just give it a try here. Just update it regularly though. Hoho. Just prove COMPANY wrong then.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ACD Result

Very down ari nie.. Dapat result assessment yg x seberapa best.. Damn it.. Hehe.

Actually aku da expect da dapat result camtu.. its just that 'Am I not that good?'

Anyhow, benda2 cam nie buat kita muhasabah diri kejap.. hohoho..


Lets close the gap!

p.s ACD ni sebenarnya Program kat company aku tuk accelarate capability development. Meaning to say, nak junior engineer nie develop lagi cepat. Anyhow, ACD yang lepas tu just for benchmarking.. Now I know la where I am..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Remember this?

I already bought 2 out of 2 though.. Huhu. And my 3rd is coming out. Hopefully as a present for me lor..

Friday, April 24, 2009

unofficial date

unofficially,i have the date already. hehe. i already talk to liza. as well as my family.

the only thing not confirmed yet is Sabah's date. huhu. still need to prepare the bbudget though.

and yes,i did talk to farid already. hehe. x clash nye..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IEC 61850 : Introduction & Implementation

Huhuhu. Tu lah tajuk paper yang aku tgh wat skg. Actually bukan tgh buat, tapi used to buat. Jumaat ada vendor dari GE nak present. Actually aku da panggil byk vendor da. ABB, SIEMENS as well as GE ni la.. Big player tuk Substation Protocol nie..

Initially benda ni just nak buat paper tuk E-Forum. Cita-cita aku nak buat benda ni well known to petronas.. Cewah.. Walhal, aku just panggil vendor je datang present.. Hahaha..

Jun nanti aku da set appointmen nak g lab test kat sungai buloh. Benda2 cam ni leh claim lam PPA nanti.. kan yoz? hahaha.. Petronasian faham la maksud aku nie..

Perancangan aku nak panggil geng2 dari OPU lain. Especially dpd operation. Kot2 leh install benda ni kat platform dorg. MLNG nak join x yoz? hahaha..

apa benda IEC 61850 nie? hohoho.. nanti aku citer. Entry lain la kot.. Too technical..

Babies EE

Ni anak Syima. Kyra Aleesya. Huhuhu. DOB, 4 April 2009.

Introducing, Syifa Khairani bt Mohd Helmi Khairan. Anak wong.. Baru je lahir. 21 April 2009..

gamba anak wong aku cilok dpd die nye YM.. hohoho.. tu yg kecik..


p/s masing2 da ade anak.. aku kawin nye lum lagi.. hohoho.. laju tul dorg..

Esok balik KL

Ade vendor presentation on Friday. Hopefully RE bagi aku balik esok.. hehe

p/s RE tu Resident Engineer. Kira boss engineer2 la kat site nie..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Movie Review : Shinjuku Incident

Baru kuar dari meeting room. Ngantuk giler.. Baik layan blog jap.. Hoho. Aku nak review movie ni lak.

As far as I can remember, ni la first time tgk cerita Jackie Chan serious dari awal sampai abis.. Adegan die kung fu main2 pun langsung xde. Cool huh?

Agak berat gak movie aku rasa bagi sesetengah orang. Tapi layan kan jer la.. Best~!

Cite die pasal Pelarian Cina yg merempat d Jepun. Alkisahnya dorang ni kecik je kumpulannya. Then Jackie Chan datang and try survive. Mcm2 die buat, sampailah ke kemuncaknya. Dia deal ngn Yakuza aka Mafia jepun.

Geng Cina ni no choice but to follow the tune la kalau nak survive. At the end, dorg takeover satu tempat ni yg dulunya milik geng jahat Taiwan. Lama kelamaan dorang makin kuat. Makin mewah. Even sesama dorang pun da naik kepala. Yakuza pun x puas ati camana pelarian cina ni leh kaya cam dorang. Geng Jahaat Taiwan ni plak nak balas dendam.

Interesting huh? Niat suci Jackie Chan dalam cite nie di akhiri ngn amat tragis skali. Tengok sendiri laa.. hohoho..

Moan of the movie
Xde adegan kungfu main-main Jackie Chan tu.. hohoho..

Moment of the movie
Ending. Last scene. Makan dalam beb~! Nasib baik x nangis je.. Hahaha.. no la.. biasa2 je..

5/5.. Sebab Jackie Chan keluar dari comfort zone dia..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Emailed by Aida.. Hoho

Just saw honeymoon pics at Izhwan's Facebook. Bali dowh~!.. Jeles le plak.. Hehe..
Anyhow, again, just want to wish 'Semoga Berbahagia Selalu'.. Huhuhu..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Ok la.. Atas permintaan seseorang, aku review gak la movie nie.. Hohoho..

Actually, I have high expectation for this movie. Especially after movie go-ers claimed the movie as one of the most antipated movie this year. Of course, this is because of the best-selling novel from Sophie Kinsella (Same title as above.)

In summary, its fun and enjoyable to watch. In fact, I laugh out loud in some scene of the movie. Hoho. For those who in unfavourable (other word than 'hate') reading novels, watch the movie instead. Someone told me the story is almost the same as in the novel. What do you expect huh? Even Dragonball the movie, they changed! hehe.

The movie is about the confession of the shopaholic herself. After undergoing too much problems with her credit card, Rebecca Bloomwood started to realize. She overturn her fortune by becoming a writer. A writer who writes about personal financial control. Ironic isn't it?
Then she started dating the Boss. Well, love story is anywhere in Hollywood movies. I do like the phrase:
"You speak Prada?"
Hehe. Prada language means that the Boss and Rebecca do have something in common. Which was, Prada and Co. If y'know what I mean..hmm..
Then the story developed around her friend, her shopaholic control group (whatever the name is..). It gets funnier as the story goes.. hehehe..
Moan of the movie
Actress casting. I think there a lot out there suits better than this version of Rebecca Bloomwood. Reese Witherspoon (Legally Blonde)? Hoho.. Even Anne Hathaway (Devils Wear Prada)
Moment of the movie
The Shawl. Kinda interesting. Shawl means selendang. Signature thing of this movie. Not the color 'pink'. Huhuhu.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Movie review : Fast and Furious 4

Lama x review movie.. Ni aku nak review balik.. hohoho.. Bak kata Nana, 'Fast and Fuuriuus'

Actually, aku rasa ni Fast and Furious before tokyo drift.. I mean, sebelum Han mati.. Lam citer ni dia hidup lagi lorr.. Hohoho..

Cite die mengisahkan, Don toretto (Vin Diesel) ngn Brian (Paul Walker) kembali bertemu. Tapi with different occassion. Paul Walker da jadi FBI lam cite nie.. Assuming dia masuk Fed lepas kejayaan die dalam Fast and Furious 1 kot..

Don in the beginning masih dengan kegiatan haramnya, kali ni ngn lebih radikal.. Curi tanker minyak beb~!.. pas tu jual direct kat Kereta2 speedster lain.. Cool huh? Then, Michele Rodriguez awek Don mati.. time tu Don n Michele da berpisah.. sementara la konon.. in the end, die mati.. kena tipu oleh geng Braga..

Well, lepas tu balas dendam la.. Kebetulan c Brian ni pun nak jatuhkan Braga and the geng.. so, tag-team laa..

the rest? COOL!

Moment of the movie

Definitely the hijacking of the tanker. Walauupun agak mengarut.. Who cares~! hahaha..

Moan of the movie

Scene2 yang terlalu obvious kemengarutannya.. Hehe. Contoh: Tanker meletop tergolek2, boleh lak c Don ni speed and x kena tanker tu? Wow~! hohoho..

Satu lagi, kereta2 yang dalam cerita ni kurang sesi pengenalan.. Kalau dulu2, die tunjuk gak brand ape.. Die mentioned gak enjin ape ke.. hohoho..



Friday, April 10, 2009

Weekend fiancee??

Hoho.. I'll be going back to KL today.. Note the subject above. Hehe.

Actually, no such thing weekend fiance. Weekend husband/wife tu ada la.. Hoho. Actually, aku malas gak nak balik kl.. Its just letih dowh.. walaupun bukan aku yg drive, duduk saja pun letih..

Memandangkan mmber aku balik sendiri, aku kena accompany die la.. drive sorang2 ni bahaya.. ececeh.. alasan.. hahaha..

Planning weekend nie? Aku nak amik jaket aku kat Moraz, jln masjid india.. Penting tu nak keje kat fab yard nie.. antara sebab aku balik KL gak this week.

Satu lagi sebab ada PC Fair! iyeah~! hehehe.. tgk2 je kot..

thats all for now.. Pics xde ah.. nanti la aku tambah lagi..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Its been almost 2 weeks only. But a few times vendor already called me. It really difficult for me. The real story is that, its about integrity.

Between Client and Contractor is one thing. Between vendor and Client is also a major thing. Everything should be done within the boundary.

Myself is handling Millions of ringgit worth of contracts. Without integrity, I can easily be an instant millionaire. If y'know what I mean.

Our guy, from CSD did come to this yard. CSD is like the Company's police. The rumour is that there's someone involved in my Company (at P.Gudang) already had issues with this integrity. Now everything is very sensitive. Even if I want to go out with my friends from SDE or MMHE, there still will be an integrity issue.

Honestly for me, as long as my intention is good, it shall be no problem. After all, my friends aware of this already. They didn't even bother. Huhu.

I guess I'll 'wat bodo je la'.. Hoho..

Walkabout pics

Monday, April 6, 2009

Walkabout @ Fabrication Yard

Phew.. Aku g site tadi.. Tuk project aku.. Still xde pa pe lagi yang naik.. Just dorang da clearkan and pindahkan barang2 yang xde kaitan ke tempat lain. Pics uploaded later.. Aku terlupa bawa cable.. Hehe.

And tadi ada HSE induction course. Well, biasa da masuk tempat baru nie kena attend benda2 cam tu la..

Petang ni ade meeting lagi.. asyik meeting je.. Huh~!

in the mean time,

gross huh? hohoho.. aku dpt dpd email.. kat mana tah, aku pn xtau.. hehehe..

Friday, April 3, 2009

More Engagement Pics

Semi-pro pics here.

Fazry ni actually member baik akak Liza.. So, enjoy!

p/s aku baru beli Sony a-300, leh la amik gamba2 camni lepas nie.. Yeah!

Thursday, April 2, 2009



Interesting news tadi. Adik aku SMS.. die dapat 2 offer nak further study. Actually die baru abis SPM. So, skg nak carik mana2 peluang yang ada.
Actually aku yg suh die apply. Hehe. Courses pn x kurang menariknye. Mmg pdn la ngn keputusan and minat die. Tp aku prefer die amik MMU. Cool huh? Foundation program for Creative Multimedia.
Tp aku suh die HOLD dulu. Nak tunggu INSTEP or ALAM lak.. hehe..
Da cukup da Engineer or Doctor kat family aku.. Cikgu lagi la.. So, nak cari lain lak..


Pergh.. 1st time jadi interviewer beberapa hari nie.. Interesting experience.. Hehe.. Selama ni asyik kena tanya je, kali ni kita tanya orang lak.. hahaha.. Actually this is for E&I Inspector. Electrical and Instrument Inspector.

Kat Fab Yard nie, client ada lantik sorang or lebih jadi E&I Inspector. Keje die senang je. Pastikan sume contractor or subcon buat keje dengan betul and pantas. Hehe. So far, da shortlist beberapa orang. Yang pakcik2 pun ada, yang baya aku pun ada.

Tadi interview sorg budak. Aku impressed gak actually.. Baya aku, tapi kerja da dekat 10 tahun beb.. ntah leh percaya ke tak.. Tu yg aku belasah je tanya mcm2 tadi. Ntah la, bagi aku keje kat yard ni better amik yang berpengalaman. Xde masa nak suh budak belajar dulu then suh org lain wat keje kan.. Tapi tu lah, tgk kesungguhan die tu ok gak. Hehe.

Tgk la nanti camne. So far da shortlist 3 orang. Nak amik 6 org sebenarnye. KIV list da dekat 7 org.. hohoho..

Ade sape2 nak jadi inspector? hehehe..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Project

Phew.. I'm Back! Hehe. Literally back at blogging.. Hmm.. its been a busy days for me. Not to mention, problem blogging from the office.

Actually, I'm back at Pasir Gudang. To be exact, MMHE. Hehe. Its Kinabalau Project. The biggest project so far I've working with. A great and challenging experience indeed. Huhu.

On the bright side, I've been here. Adaptability should be no problem, i guess. And of course, my SDE guys as always, available to makan-makan or mabuk-mabuk. Hehe.

Thats all for now. Nak balik hotel.. pergh da kul 6..