Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Aku dah kawen


Aku bukan bujang lagi..

Aku da ada bini..

Aku da leh guna ayat 'Bini aku..'

Aku da xde GF..

Aku da xde tunang..

Aku da leh wat ape pun sesuka hati aku ngn Bini aku.. hohoho..

Gambar2 kawen kt FB aku dan juga Fazry nye blog sini..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Please comment

ni pkai resolution rendah.. klu print mesti buruk gile..

still waiting soft copy gambar dpd fazry.. comment ek..


Yup.. aku dapat spesel pakej ngn Kad Kahwin aku.. hohoho..

kad kawin design da siap.. cuma ada sket spelling error sket.. esok nak suh dorg repair and proceed ngn printing.. kira setel le kot..

ni je yg x setel lagi nie..

Banner.. hmm.. lawa gak.. tp ntah la.. berbunga sangat.. ingat nak letak gamba Pre-Wed aku kt banner.. gila glamer tu.. hohoho..

ntah la.. aku accept je la kot..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pre-Wed Photography Session

Sabtu lepas, aku balik Parit Buntar.. Nak setelkan ukuran baju majlis sanding aku nanti.. d kesempatan tu g amik Pre-Wed photo dgn official photographer aku.. gambar d atas aku yg amik.. klu nak gamba2 lagi official, kena tunggu fazry upload kat website die la..

Blogging again

Lama x update blog nie.. Hehe..

Xde la bz sgt.. skg pun nak prepare tuk Kahwin bulan 12 nanti..

So far, byk benda da buat.. tggal sket lagi kot.. InsyaAllah sempat setel sume before majlis nanti.. Yang major items sume da buat.. cuma tinggal kad je skg.. Status skg..

1. Tiket kapal terbang tuk family - Setel
2. Tempat tinggal family kt parit buntar - Setel
3. Hantaran - ade 2-3 barang lagi nak beli
4. Borang Nikah - Pengantin lelaki nye part da setel.. tinggal pihak pompuan je..
5. Photographer - Setel.. siap ade pre-wed and studio lagi.. terlebih sudah~! hehehe
6. Kad - Ni je x setel.. skg tgh kumpul alamat kawan2..
7. Pelamin dsb - Setel..

Rasa nyesal lak buat kt LH creative.. lembab nak mampus.. ingatkan da design simple2 boleh la buat cepat.. damn it.. aku da kol pagi tadi.. bagi die dateline sok.. suh email draft.. klu xsiap, kena cari lain ler.. hohoho..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wedding Prep so Far... Bold one aku da buat..

6 months before

* Decide upon a wedding date.
* Decide on your budget.
* If you are getting married in mosque need to ask the imam.
* Go to marriage course.
* Decide on the number of guests and make a list -
* Book the caterer
* Book tukang kompang, PA system, entertainment.
* Book the photographer & videographer.
* Order the cake
* Start looking for your wedding dress. Decide whether you want it handmade, a designer or ‘off the peg’ dress.
* Decide in your bridesmaids and ushers.
* Decide on your ‘Best Man’.
* Confirm all bookings in writing.
* Start doing regular beauty maintenance - Facials, brow threading, hair treatment

5 Months before

* Choose the wedding attire for the groom, best man, bridesmaids, fathers, mothers and ushers.
* Choose the brides and grooms wedding rings.
* Order your wedding favours and hantaran.
* Order the wedding invitations and other stationery.

4 Months before

* Go to a beauty salon and have a makeover.
* Book a beautician for your wedding day, if required.
* Prepare all the doorgifts.
* Prepare bridal bedroom decor.

3 Months before

* Send out the wedding invites.

1 month before

* Arrange for a final fitting of your wedding dress.
* Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the canopy people and road closing.
* Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the caterer.
* Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the photographer and videographer.
* Telephone any guests who have not yet responded to your invitation.
* Organise a date when you can pick up you’re wedding outfits.

7 Days before

* Wear-in your wedding shoes. Its will give brides who are not used to walking in high heels a chance to practice.
* Organise with a close friend to have an emergency wedding kit, just for the bride, containing makeup and a repair kit for the wedding dress, so you can be ready for any minor hiccups through the day.

Azam 2009 berjaya!

Yezza.. U read it right.. Hohoho.. Refer here.

Plus the house.. Wow.. Its more than I wished for already.

1. Yup, I owned Xperia X1 now. Eventhough still x puas ati ngn kebolehan and capability die. Setakat leh tgk email and metal design tu, bagi aku da cukup ok.
2. Next thing I bought was DSLR. Yeah. Sony A300 to be exact. I got great bargain from my brother. People say Sony DSLR camera x best. But who cares anyway. Just want to try lor. Consider myself an Advance amateur photographer by now. Hehe.
3. I bought a C.A.R. Yup.. I finally revealed it in this blog. Hehe. Its WSR8305, Bronze Mica color. If you saw one, horn la ye.. hehe.
4. And last week, I bought Wii. Hoho. Its in my room right now. And totally Cool. Sekarang tgh belajar main Winning Eleven Wii version.. damn funny.. Hehe..

and finally the house of course. Hoho..

Actually, right now concentrating on my wedding preparations already. Hoho. X la busy sgt pun.. nanti aku update. Ngehehe

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy with Convos

Pergh.. Busy sungguh last 2 weeks.. Adik2 aku convo.. Aku terpaksa ulang alik JB-KL.. Damn penat.. Smpi skg x abis lagi.. kena hibernate lama2 nie.. hohoho..

Pics will update later.. yeah~!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Found great site here..

Very good. Want to try for my Engagement photos. Huhu. Will upload when I finished.

and do try this at your home. Download the software. Its DIY. Do (Design) It Yourself!

p/s kalau nk print, kena submit and of coz kena bayar~.. hehehee..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Susahnya cari rumah

Rumah sewa.. susahnye.. hohoho..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Paramount Condo

Well. At least I have an option. Hehe. I did tell this to HER. Unexpectedly die x suka.. Hoho. Well of course la jauh.

The thing is, I still dont know am I confirmed totally demob back to KL? Still not confirm. I hate uncertainties. Damn it. Can the managers decide already?

Oh well, I still need a place to pack my stuffs back at my brother's house. Liza's house is an option. But still, where am I going to stay weekends in KL? That's why prefer somewhere near Setiawangsa or Keramat. Hoho.

Worst case, Paramount Condo. PJ. Very near to LRT Paramount. Some more, my ex-schoolmates also rent the same house. It would be extra fun. Hehe. After all, I'll be staying maybe 6 months only. Till my house is ready lor.. Which is in December.

PJ to Ampang is like 30 minutes drive. Plus Jam.. and Toll. A lot of things need to consider. Argh.. I need a panadol. :(

Monday, July 13, 2009

[WTR] House at Setiawangsa / AU2

WTR refers to Want to Rent!

Yup. Searching for a new home right now. Hehe..

Sape2 yg ade tau kekosongan kat mane2, pleaseee..gtau ek..

Room/House should be ok.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

MCD extend?

Dont know its good or bad.. 1 thing for sure, its shocking!

MCD refers to Mechanical Completion Date. Date expected of my project to be completely fabricated. Extended means postponed. Yup, there will be no rush!

2 options right now.

1. Stationed back at KL. Hmm.. No more blue wave la after this.. hohoho
2. Stay at MMHE. Doing design.

Either way, i think its ok for me. Huhu.

Option 1. I can prepare my Wedding properly.
Option 2. No change as of my life right now. Huhu.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Politician said the darndest thing?

Have you read this?

Its funny though politician these days. The only concerns on numbers. Yup, figures, percentage, profit, losses. They are not even care about the whys? the whats? the hows?

Thats the difference between a politician and Others you might say.

I might not the best person to explain this. Put it this way laa.. Let say you open a Shop. A grocery shop to be exact. Somehow, you sell rice. Plenty of them. At the same time you have neighbour sale rice also. 1 Day, a rich guy wants to buy almost all the rice you have. You, in returns didnt have rice to supply your family. Of course you supply for your family for free or even lesser price than you cahrge the rich fella. What will you do?

1. Forget about the rich fella. Continue to supply for your family. Family first right?
2. Take the offer from the rich fella. You can makes a lot of money. At the same time, you buy from your neighbour with less price also. With the money, you can actually buy more rice from others and even can harvest more for the future.

So which one?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Choose ur best pic.. Hehe.. Vote yaa..



Aku vote A.. yeah!


Liza and Me vs Penyapu..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Geomatic Engineering

Ade sape tau ape tu Geomatic Engineering?

Aku da tanya Uncle Google.. huhuhu.. quite interesting actually.. Adik aku baru dpt course ni.. which will be in UTM, Skudai..

Bagus gak la.. Since aku pun stationed kat JB nie so leh la kot tgk2 adik aku kt UTM tu nanti.. ngeee..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6 months to go - Answre

Someone DID answer my questions few days back.. Hehehe.. Anonymous.. Sape ek?

Terima kasih banyak2.. hohoho..

p/s aku nak sticky post nie.. hohoho.

6 months before

* Decide upon a wedding date.
* Decide on your budget.
* If you are getting married in mosque need to ask the imam.
* Go to marriage course.
* Decide on the number of guests and make a list -
* Book the caterer
* Book tukang kompang, PA system, entertainment.
* Book the photographer & videographer.
* Book the florist
* Book the honeymoon and apply for a new passport
* Order the cake
* Start looking for your wedding dress. Decide whether you want it handmade, a designer or ‘off the peg’ dress.
* Decide in your bridesmaids and ushers.
* Decide on your ‘Best Man’.
* Confirm all bookings in writing.
* Start doing regular beauty maintenance - Facials, brow threading, hair treatment

5 Months before

* Attend initial fitting for the wedding dress.
* Choose the brides wedding shoes and accessories.
* Choose the wedding attire for the groom, best man, bridesmaids, fathers, mothers and ushers.
* Choose the brides and grooms wedding rings.
* Order your wedding favours and hantaran.
* Order the wedding invitations and other stationery.

4 Months before

* Go to a beauty salon and have a makeover.
* Book a beautician for your wedding day, if required.
* Prepare all the doorgifts.
* Prepare bridal bedroom decor.

3 Months before

* Send out the wedding invites.

1 month before

* Arrange for a final fitting of your wedding dress.
* Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the canopy people and road closing.
* Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the caterer.
* Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the photographer and videographer.
* Telephone any guests who have not yet responded to your invitation.
* Organise a date when you can pick up you’re wedding outfits.

7 Days before

* Wear-in your wedding shoes. Its will give brides who are not used to walking in high heels a chance to practice.
* Organise with a close friend to have an emergency wedding kit, just for the bride, containing makeup and a repair kit for the wedding dress, so you can be ready for any minor hiccups through the day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

e-Forum 2009

Last thursday,as I mentioned before I did present a paper. In fact, some of my friends did vote for me as best paper as well as presenter.

i was hoping for best paper actually. well, since the chairman that day did praise the slides i prepared.

Well, i lost. hehe. Apparentlly people are interested in transformer fire incident. The Emcee took away the best presenter award. Congratulations for all the winners

the point is, its a big relief for me actually.hehe. At least i did some public speaking in high leveel.

i am looking forward for next year..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Majlis Eija kat Taman Tasik Titiwangsa

interesting huh??

siap naik kereta kuda lagi beb.. hehehe




Rumahku tak siap lagi.. hehehhe

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kad Kahwin : Please vote!





Door Gift Kahwin

lawa x buat doorgift? Huhu.. Mesti Liza x suka nie..

better cari lain.. ermmmM..

Electrical Forum

Fuh.. Agak nervous gak tuk Khamis nie.. Esok bertolak g Kuantan.. Nak present paper.. ececeh.. Last time aku nervous camni masa present FYP. Hohoho.. Biasa present kat department, selamba2 je.. xtau lak tuk Company level ni nervous semacam..

apa2 pun, aku belasah je laa.. hahaha..

Wish me luck guys.

p/s Boss aku kt Pasir Gudang da bising.. Aku asyik xde kat ofis je.. Jangan je dia anta aku balik KL sudah.. Abis planning aku.. huhuhu..

6 months to go

Ke hadapan rakan-rakan yang da kawen,

Minta pertolongan jasa baik kawan2.. Hehe.. Apa yang korang buat 6 bulan before kawen?

p/s kamu akan tolong 5 kawan korang kalau reply entri ini.. napa? x percaya? Huhuhu..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wish List almost complete

Hehe. I am on the verge buying the 4th one. Huhu.. Hopefully everything can be settle this month.

the last item maybe later laa.. not that important la kan.. huhuhu..

wonder what kan?

neverminda la..Once confirm nanti aku gtau.. huhuhhu..

1 week in KL

Next week I'll be in KL.. For the whole week.

Got Electrical Upstream Colloquium at Cyberbiew on monday and tuesday.

On Wednesday till Friday I've got Seminar at PWTC. That one is for IEC 61850. Huhu. Very busy kan?

not that busy lagi actually..

Workload skg nie tgh evaluate vendor2 for some packages for my project. Everything is confidential. Hmm.. X la stress sgt.. still can cope kot..

MAY day..


I love May.. Hehe.. Especially on the 24th! Not that I excited that Yus will be getting married, its just that's my day. My Birthday!

I remember last year, it was Isham's wedding day also. Meaning to say that I'll be celebrating my birthday and also my friends' anniversary.

Funny huh?

Even funnier is that I might be the one who will remind Yus and Isham about their anniversary. Hehe. Maybe later 3 or 4 years from now la kan.. Kot-kot la dorang lupa time tu.. Huhu..

To Isham, Happy Anniversary..

To Yus, Selamat melangsungkan perkahwinan.. Yeah..

to Me? No.. Not Happy Birthday yet..

Plan to celebrate my birthday 2 days in advance with Ijai and Farid tonight.. Some more, we have free cake what? Hahaha.. Kan farid?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Report : Majlis Noorzi & Sham @ Kuantan

(pics later ok!)

Seperti yg sedia maklum, Norzi menamatkan zaman bujang nya last week. Huhuhu. Pija, Aku, Liza, Kak Ina, Izhwan and Aida (in order of appearance) sempat la bertandang tuk memeriahkan majlis.

Pija da memang standby kat sana. Jadik best girl beb. Hehe. Pengapit pompuan. Aku ngn liza datang on time bila pengantin lelaki @ Sham berarak masuk ke rumah Noorzi. Aku seperti biasa, mempraktikkan teknik photography yg x seberapa.. (Harap camera je canggih, tp ilmu xdak..hahaha)

Makanan mmg best2.. Lepas makan cam biasa, amik gambar beb. Sementara tunggu Izhwan and Aida yg tersesat kt mana tah.. Liza jadi part time Mak Andam jap nak adjust posing tuk kedua mempelai nak amik gamba. Dengan sporting nye pengantin ni pun selamba je la posing ape pun.. Mmg nice laa.. hehehe..

Anyway, agak lama gak kat umah nozi. Dalam kul3 baru balik.

Tu je la kot..

Next stop. Yoz nye majlis. Jom!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Work with the COMPANY

Yeah. From now onwards, I'll be using COMPANY to address my company. Hehe. COMPANY as in the Prison Break series. Yeah!

Yesterday, a friend of mine IM me asking if there's vacancy in COMPANY. Frankly speaking, there's a LOT. That, if you are asking for talented and experienced professionals. 3 years experienced not enough.

I remember last year, COMPANY organized a walk-in interview somewhere near KLCC. This is indeed a RARE one. If you read the advertisement correctly, the requirements is at least 7 years. Thats 3+4 years of experience.

I'm not saying that COMPANY is not looking for an employer with 3 years of experience. But hell yeah, why dont just give it a try here. Just update it regularly though. Hoho. Just prove COMPANY wrong then.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ACD Result

Very down ari nie.. Dapat result assessment yg x seberapa best.. Damn it.. Hehe.

Actually aku da expect da dapat result camtu.. its just that 'Am I not that good?'

Anyhow, benda2 cam nie buat kita muhasabah diri kejap.. hohoho..


Lets close the gap!

p.s ACD ni sebenarnya Program kat company aku tuk accelarate capability development. Meaning to say, nak junior engineer nie develop lagi cepat. Anyhow, ACD yang lepas tu just for benchmarking.. Now I know la where I am..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Remember this?

I already bought 2 out of 2 though.. Huhu. And my 3rd is coming out. Hopefully as a present for me lor..

Friday, April 24, 2009

unofficial date

unofficially,i have the date already. hehe. i already talk to liza. as well as my family.

the only thing not confirmed yet is Sabah's date. huhu. still need to prepare the bbudget though.

and yes,i did talk to farid already. hehe. x clash nye..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IEC 61850 : Introduction & Implementation

Huhuhu. Tu lah tajuk paper yang aku tgh wat skg. Actually bukan tgh buat, tapi used to buat. Jumaat ada vendor dari GE nak present. Actually aku da panggil byk vendor da. ABB, SIEMENS as well as GE ni la.. Big player tuk Substation Protocol nie..

Initially benda ni just nak buat paper tuk E-Forum. Cita-cita aku nak buat benda ni well known to petronas.. Cewah.. Walhal, aku just panggil vendor je datang present.. Hahaha..

Jun nanti aku da set appointmen nak g lab test kat sungai buloh. Benda2 cam ni leh claim lam PPA nanti.. kan yoz? hahaha.. Petronasian faham la maksud aku nie..

Perancangan aku nak panggil geng2 dari OPU lain. Especially dpd operation. Kot2 leh install benda ni kat platform dorg. MLNG nak join x yoz? hahaha..

apa benda IEC 61850 nie? hohoho.. nanti aku citer. Entry lain la kot.. Too technical..

Babies EE

Ni anak Syima. Kyra Aleesya. Huhuhu. DOB, 4 April 2009.

Introducing, Syifa Khairani bt Mohd Helmi Khairan. Anak wong.. Baru je lahir. 21 April 2009..

gamba anak wong aku cilok dpd die nye YM.. hohoho.. tu yg kecik..


p/s masing2 da ade anak.. aku kawin nye lum lagi.. hohoho.. laju tul dorg..