Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tagged by Jib

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. [Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this].

pergh.. 1st time main tag-tag nie.. hohoho.. thanks jiba..

ok..16 random things..

1. Aku x suka keje kt KLCC..
2. Aku x suka kol-kol.. prefer SMS or YM..
3. Aku terer main Rubik Cube.. hohoho.. janji leh siap..
4. Aku tgh addicted main Football Manager 2009
5. Aku xde projek skg.. Tgh wat paper tuk Forum
6. Aku baru beli hp baru.. X1..
7. Aku nk kawen tahun ni gak..
8. Aku x suka friendster.. Facebook yo! hoho
9. Aku suka makan Nasi Kuning. Sabahan cuisine.. hehe
10. Aku layan gak AF.. hehehe..
11. Aku baru beli jaket adidas liverpool. Ori x ori, belakang cite.. hahaha..
12. Aku x suka MAS and Airasia. Tp terpaksa gak naik..
13. Aku suka kt Liza stat dari 2nd year lagi.. tp asyik kena reject.. hahaha..
14. I love my friends..
15. Aku s sabar nak duduk rumah baru
16. Aku nak honeymoon kat oversea.. boleh?

thats all.. hahaha..

Aku tag yus, isham and liza.. tu je blogger yg aku tau.. selain jiba.. Also nozi.. tp nozi lock blog die.. ececeh.. top secret la tu..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Manchester 1-4 Liverpool

Am I amazed? Huahuahua.

I wonder what MU fans would say after this..

"Fergie should start Berbs+Rooney up front instead of Tevez+Rooney"

"The tiredness after previous game with Inter Milan affect the team"

"Man U should sell Vidic instead of Pique to Barca"

"Van Der Sar is too old to jump or to dive"

"We should go for all-out defensive style after leading 1-0.. Its liverpool y'know~!'

Liverpool fans?


"Although we lost Arbeloa before the start, Hyypia and Carragher done a great job"

"If not for the penalty, we should have won 4-0"

"Without Alonso, Lucas+Mascherano still no match for Anderson+Carrick"

"At last.. We welcome back Stevie G and Nando!"


Whatever happens in May, WE will never forget yesterday. Hehehe..