Friday, May 22, 2009

Wish List almost complete

Hehe. I am on the verge buying the 4th one. Huhu.. Hopefully everything can be settle this month.

the last item maybe later laa.. not that important la kan.. huhuhu..

wonder what kan?

neverminda la..Once confirm nanti aku gtau.. huhuhhu..

1 week in KL

Next week I'll be in KL.. For the whole week.

Got Electrical Upstream Colloquium at Cyberbiew on monday and tuesday.

On Wednesday till Friday I've got Seminar at PWTC. That one is for IEC 61850. Huhu. Very busy kan?

not that busy lagi actually..

Workload skg nie tgh evaluate vendor2 for some packages for my project. Everything is confidential. Hmm.. X la stress sgt.. still can cope kot..

MAY day..


I love May.. Hehe.. Especially on the 24th! Not that I excited that Yus will be getting married, its just that's my day. My Birthday!

I remember last year, it was Isham's wedding day also. Meaning to say that I'll be celebrating my birthday and also my friends' anniversary.

Funny huh?

Even funnier is that I might be the one who will remind Yus and Isham about their anniversary. Hehe. Maybe later 3 or 4 years from now la kan.. Kot-kot la dorang lupa time tu.. Huhu..

To Isham, Happy Anniversary..

To Yus, Selamat melangsungkan perkahwinan.. Yeah..

to Me? No.. Not Happy Birthday yet..

Plan to celebrate my birthday 2 days in advance with Ijai and Farid tonight.. Some more, we have free cake what? Hahaha.. Kan farid?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Report : Majlis Noorzi & Sham @ Kuantan

(pics later ok!)

Seperti yg sedia maklum, Norzi menamatkan zaman bujang nya last week. Huhuhu. Pija, Aku, Liza, Kak Ina, Izhwan and Aida (in order of appearance) sempat la bertandang tuk memeriahkan majlis.

Pija da memang standby kat sana. Jadik best girl beb. Hehe. Pengapit pompuan. Aku ngn liza datang on time bila pengantin lelaki @ Sham berarak masuk ke rumah Noorzi. Aku seperti biasa, mempraktikkan teknik photography yg x seberapa.. (Harap camera je canggih, tp ilmu xdak..hahaha)

Makanan mmg best2.. Lepas makan cam biasa, amik gambar beb. Sementara tunggu Izhwan and Aida yg tersesat kt mana tah.. Liza jadi part time Mak Andam jap nak adjust posing tuk kedua mempelai nak amik gamba. Dengan sporting nye pengantin ni pun selamba je la posing ape pun.. Mmg nice laa.. hehehe..

Anyway, agak lama gak kat umah nozi. Dalam kul3 baru balik.

Tu je la kot..

Next stop. Yoz nye majlis. Jom!