Saturday, May 31, 2008


Very tired today. Just look at the pic above..hehe isn't she lovely?

Well, apart from attending isham's wedding, we also went to muzium lebah. Bought ourselves 3 bottles of honey. The promoter convince us that the honey can burn body fat.
Interesting huh? We'll see the results ni a few months.


Now 1.09pm.. Dalam perjalanan ke rumah isham..

Konvoy 4 kereta ari ni.. Lapar..huhu

Friday, May 30, 2008

Blogging from masjid

Fridays at masjid klcc.. Always packed up with muslims. Some even had to pray outside the mosque.

Thats why i arrived early. And of course listen to the khutbah from the beginning till the end.

Right now, a tazkirah ghven by a ustaz. Something wrong with the PA sytstem. I hardly can hear what he's saying.

The azan will be called anytime by now.

EEunderground #2 : Isham & Ila Wedding Reception

Tomorrow, L and me will be going to Malacca. Yup, Isham will hold his side Walimah at Malacca. Last week the Walimah was at Ila's place at Serdang, Selangor. Rozack just informed me that the convoy from Serdang will move out to Malacca at 10.00 AM. Gosh.. Which means we must be there before that of course.. Hmmm..

L, bila nk beli keta nie? hehe..

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tips on shopping for a girl

1. Know her preference
2. Get advice from the 'taukeh'.. If she's a girl la
3. Use technoloy efficiently. 3G video call or just MMS during your shopping
4. Be prepared with your credit card.. Just in case your cash wasn't enough.
5. Dont expect too much whether she will like it or not. After all, a girl is a girl.. If you know what i mean..hehe

DFE: CP Training day 2

Learnt a lot yesterday.. Everything about CP. Credits should be given to the instructor. His experiences in CP proven by his way handling queries by participants.

We'll learn some calculation today. It might be interesting..hehe

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

DFE: Flare at Baram

Enjoy the pic..

DFE: Training-Cathodic Protection

I'm at Maya Hotel right now. Training on CP. There are 3 levels to attend. The higher the level, the harder it gets to understand. Today's my level 2. Next week will be my level 1. Hehe interesting huh?

The best thing in Maya is that Maya provide pencil box comple with pencil, sharpener, eraser and ruler. This is my 4th time attending training at Maya. Each time i'll get the same 'gift'. Yeah.

The most interesting part is lunch time..huhu free lunch at the hotel.

Btw, i wont post anything about CP here..hehe

Monday, May 26, 2008

Movie Review #3 : Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull

Another review. Phew.. I tried to make it more shorter. Hehe.

Okay, what do you expect to see in this sequel of Indiana Jones? Action packed? Beautiful Chicks? Who's the bad guy? How come the skull is crystal? Will there be another sequel after this?

Honestly, I think the movie is kinda Independence Day (the space ship) + Indiana Jones (who else??) + E.T (the alien) + National Treasure (treasure hunting) + Da Vinci Code (confusing..trailing the Kingdom by words and riddles).

That's how cool this movie is. Cool doesn't mean great! hehe.. The actors were great. Found comments and reviews on the net that un-supportive to this movie. Their basis is the script. Who am I to argue or to agree with them. Hehe..

Most interesting part I think was Mutt Williams. Indiana Jones the 3rd. Yup, Indiana Jones 2nd has a son. Expect another sequel after this. Of course, Shia Leboef will take over the main role. Yeah, we need young people to do the ass-kicking. Not some old-fashioned and out of date kinda guy. Hehe.. We are talking about the Hero in Transformers : The Movie here.. Another Tom Cruise in the making.

Moment of the Movie
Towards the end, Indy 2nd and Mary managed to get married. There's a scene where suddenly the door of the church opened and blew the Cowboy hat. Yeah, the 'special hat'. As Mutt was trying to reach and hold to the hat, Indy snap the hat before Mutt. I was expecting Mutt will wear the hat just to cool things up. Y'know just to show the movie-goers that he will be the next Indy. I guess, we (viewers) can understand it after all. The message's clear.

Moan of the Movie
Alien..Alien..Alien..Another Dimension? UFO?? Huh~!.. totally nonsense.. hehe.. But in the movie, actully it all makes sense. Better watch it yourself.

Overall Rating

JJCM#1 : Sushi King

Unagi with Steamed Rice

As mentioned in previous post, L and I went to Sushi King for Lunch. Actually this was my 2nd time having lunch at Japanese Restaurant. The first one was also at Sushi King. I'm not a fan of Japanese cuisine. But, L is. Hehe. Enjoy some of the foods Sushi King can offer for your stomach! Hehe.

Baby Octopus

Yeah. We had octopus for our lunch. Hehe.. Sweet..

Smoked Salmon

L's favourite. Hehe..

Mayo #1


Actually I've forgot the name of these 2 Sushis. That's why I put Mayo #1 and #2. I do remember it had 'Mayo' in its name. I supposed that refers to the Mayonnaise. Hehe..


This thing called 'Chawanmushshi'. Funny name huh?? hehe.. Its in a 'cup' or 'cawan'. It actually some sort of egg tart i think. Not quite sure. L said it taste like half boiled egg. Its egg for sure! Inside, you'll found crab sticks, mushrooms and also fish. Yummy.. hehe..

I think that's all for now.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yesterday Once more

L and me had a very fine day yesterday.. Overall, its all about 'weight gain'..hehe yup, eat till you full.

We started by having bfast at kfc, then lunch at sushi king, tea at secret recipe, and dinner at portugese grill..

All being planned by L actually.. Of course for my bday..hehe. Btw, the initial plan was ice skating! Huhu of course i dont want. Not because i hate it, i just cant afford laugh myself out for skating. Next time dear.

Plan B was bowling. The problem was that the MV bowling packed with enthusiastic bowlers already. Huhu.. So, no bowling and no skating.. sigh..

The day's still special since we went to GSC Signatures. Yup, another movie. Hehe.. Indiana Jones. Will review the movie in another post. Did u know that GSC Signatures ticket cost RM20 per head? yup.. You'll see why once you get inside the cinema. Chairs are placed in couples. Yeah..Couple seats for everyone. Even if you bring your mother/father with you.. hehe..

After that, shop till we drop! Hehe.. Actually we went to find wedding gifts for our friends. Yup, friends. Myself alone got 9 invitations till the end of this month. Gosh.. Is this a sign? Hehe..

Later that day, we just sat down at Secret Recipe and enjoy our cakes. Hehe. After all, what's birthday celebration without cake?

24 May 1983

Yup my birthday.. Hehe.. Been busy today..

I'll report back later.. Till then..

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I'vd found this ad quite funny.. Hehe.. I'm not sure KL citizens will fall to this 'near ktm statiton' Modus Operandi.. Lets face it.. KTM Komuter service too bad! Dont know what the KTM management done so far to improve. Wake up KTM!

Train delays, poor maintenance of train, increasing number of those who commute using ktm komuter, poor scheduling..and the list goes on..

Did you know that currently KTM have what they called 'major overhaul maintenance'? Yup, at last! The thing is they've to schedule the trains to arrive every 20 minutes including holidays. Honestly, do u think ktm can do this '20 minutes' thing? NO! Absolutely no.. Shame on you KTM..

Friday, May 23, 2008

Phone : My nephew

Mohd Azfar b Luqman

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sports #2 : 07/07 UCL Final, Man U Vs Chelsea

As expected, the match is damn great. 1-1 till the final whistle blown. It ended up with PENALTY!! Sigh.. Hehe..

PENALTY for me is just luck. Pure Luck! Hehe.. but of course you need some good reflexes and long stretched hand to won the shootout. In MU, they've got Van Der Sar.

Pure Chelsea fan couldn't blame John Terry or Anelka for missed the spotkick. In fact, Terry is fantastic throught the 90+15+15 minutes of full match. Anelka might felt that he could contribute more at least to score the penalty. I still think that Avram Grant should bring him in earlier.
Hero and the Zero

Moan of the Match
Ronaldo scores.. Again! Damn..Again and Again.. He is good isn't he? Hopefully Real Madrid can lure him out of Old Trafford. Hehe.

Moment of the Match
Also Ronaldo's reaction after Van Der Sar saved Anelka's Penalty. Gosh.. He must be relieved. Very relieved indeed. If only Terry scored his spotkick.. Huhu.. Ronaldo would be on his way to Bernabeu.. hehe..

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

KLCC Skybridge Visit

I had the chance to be a tourist today! hehe. Actually, since my 1st day work, L already insisted for me to bring her up to the skybridge. Recently, I've found out that I have the privelege to bypass the long queue everyday at the ticket counter just by sending email and ask for the tickets. After all, its FOC.

Actually, this is my first time to cross the Level 41 bridge of KLCC. This level specifically to accomodate tourists or visitors who would like to view KL City from up there. For staffs, we have Level 42 to cross between tower 1 and tower 2. I did some crossing in this level quite a few times already. Hehe.

The procedure is simple. Queue for the ticket, get the colored pass, enjoy the 3D presentaion, enjoy the view from the bridge. I should say this is a MUST for a Malaysia citizen. Most of the time only foreign tourist grab this chance. L's friend told me that it was probably malaysians are busy working. Hehe. She probably right, but we do as a Malaysian have our own holiday to spend right?

Tourists. :)

Pic of the day.

Movie Review #2 : What Happens in Vegas

The movie started out with both Ashton and Cameron had problems with their love relationship. Jack (Ashton) seems unorganized and not really a family man, while Joy(Cameron) was dumped by his ex-fiance in front of her friends.

To cut story short, both decided to forget about everything and went to Vegas. If you did saw the trailer of this movie, you would probably knew already what will happened. Both get married (Vegas style!). As they were going to divorce the next day, Jack hit the Jackpot 3 Million! The quarter (coin) used by Jack, happened to be Joy's. Both arguing about who supposed to win the 3 Mil.

The argumenet continues in New York, where the judge decided to put both of them on some sort of 6 Months Probation. The purpose is simple. To respect Marriage and value how good husband and wife should be. Yeah, very good and noble judge indeed. Hehe.

Next scenes was hilarious. Hehe. You got to see the movie. Very funny indeed. I'm not going to spoil you. Hehe..

Moan of the Movie
I just couldn't understand why the Judge decided the 6 months probation. And also, Jack's friend. Who is he? Lawyer?

Moment of the Movie
Funniest thing I think was the Therapy Sessions. Hehe.. Especially when Jack explained how he got hit by Joy which in reality just a set up to make Joy look bad. The funny thing is that Joy actually video recorded how Jack actually been hit by his friends to make it more real.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

EEunderground #1 : Dinner montage


Producer : uxien
Editor : uxien

SMSLD #1 : Gathering at Spice of Malaysia, Mines Shopping Centre

Enjoy the pics. :)

Amir (white shirt), the host with my friends.

Soeffeyan & Myati

Soeffeyan, Myati and Suzen

Beautiful Sunday

I'm so bored today. Hehe.. I decide to add posts to my blog. WTF!

Hey, what actually i want to blog on? Sports?? Movies?? The fact that I like many stuffs makes me harder to focus to only one subject.

Hell yeah, maybe I should give it a try. Blogging for anything that pops out of my head.

Politics? Nah.. Lots of SoPo blogs these days. Do I need to mention RPK's malaysia-today, rocky's bru, jeff ooi's screenshots, Mahathir's chedet on this blog?

Local entertainment? Nope. We have already the professionals do what they do best, telling stories in interesting way. If you are truly AF fan, you might came across Joe Lee's Klubbkidd, Sultan Muzaffar or Vermont's Mr Manager.

Sports? I'm not that good in sports. Yeah, I meant both. Writing about sports or doing sports activities. Hehe.. Let the professional do that.

Movies? Might be a good idea. Since I kinda like watching 1 movie every week. Hehe..

My love story? F***!! Do people really care?? Haha..

My work? Its kinda interesting for some, or might be boring for some. So, maybe 1 or 2 posts would be ok. Or maybe I should start 'Blogging Live from Offshore Platform'?

Diary? It would be good to share what I do/did in my everyday's life. Maybe my friends and families want to know where I am and what I do. Well, its been a while since I went back to my hometown. Damn, how I miss Sabah..

So, what do u think?

Sports : EPL 07/08 Best 11

First of all, I'm not a football pundit. Hehe. But I am a huge fan of Most Entertaining League of the world, English Premier League. This is my very own assessment of best players for the past season.

Ok, Man U have won the premiership. I could say that Man U could'nt won it without the best player of the season, Christiano Ronaldo. My bet is that he will be in every football fans' Best 11 for EPL 07-08..

Some may less argue on my selection on midfield. Probably readers agreed that Barry+Gerrard is the best combination of centre midfiled England ever created. I probably sound a lil' bit poyo there. Hehe. But hey, They've already show it in recent England Internation mathces. On top of that, with Cesc Fabgregas in there it would be an unstoppable midfield engine. Left side, it is between Bentley vs Young for me. But since Bentley plays at right most of the time, my bet is on Young for this slot.

For the defensive line, people may argue why I put Dunne in partnership with Lescott in the centre. Lescot is undisputed best defender for the season, but Dunne? Especially after 8-1 lost on their last match. I think, Dunne will be in his best when facing one of the big four. It would be great acquisition for any other team in the premier league if Man City decided to sell this defender. Hutton and Bale?? Spurs probably have the best right back or left back in the premier league. In Bale, they have the pace, the crosses and not to mention his specialty on taking free kicks. And he is young! Damn, he got injured on the second half of the season. Hutton? A great move to buy this defender. Very consistent.

David James would be unquestionably the best keeper of the season. Other choices would be Pepe Reina or Chris Gordon or even Joe Hart of Manchester City.

As for the benchwarmers, the list probably complete the overall dream team. Santa Cruz? The best bargain of the season. Adebayor? The fact that he scores as much as he misses clear chances, I still put him on my dream team. Hehe..

I think thats all. Cant wait for the 08-09 season. Gosh...

In the meantime, very own Dream team here
Sportingo's all star team here

Movie Review : Narnia - Prince Caspian

First of all, I'm not a good reviewer of movies. Hehe.. perhaps just want to let y'll know what I think of this movie.

I went to TGV KLCC yesterday, accompanied by L. As always, :) . I'm not a big fan of LOTR-type of movies. Since L insisted to watch this, so I said 'Ok, why not?'

My mistake was I didn't watch the first Narnia, (the one with longer title, closet+white witch+narnia+etc). It would be much more entertaining to watch if you already watch the first, and not spend most of the time asking person besides you "Who's Aslan?"

Moving on to the critics, I should say that this movie is worth your money. Except the Prince Caspian's english accent througout the movie quite annoying sometimes. Hehe.

The story started when Prince Caspian started blowing the horn (Aslan's horn I think) which in returns resurrect/called upon the so called 'Queens and Kings of Narnia'.

At the same time, elsewhere to the other side of the world, a portal opened. Portal where these Kings and Queens of Narnia went through and arrive at Narnia! Soon, they've learnt that Narnia was doomed! Narnians extincted! Aslan went vanished!

Next, of course pretty predictable. To overthrone the evil King (Caspian's uncle), to rebuild Narnia, to find Aslan, so on and so forth.

Moan of the movie
I just couldn't understand why Aslan actually left the Narnians. Somehow, he/it eventually decided to help after meeting up with Lucy. Why not earlier than that? Why Lucy? Maybe if I watched the first movie, then I would understand. Or perhaps wait another sequel?

Moment of the movie
Of course the battle scene. But not as goof as LOTR battle scene. Its okay-lah. Another one is the (cameo) appearance of the evil White Witch. Kinda cool.

Overall rating

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Blogging at 24

Well, well, well..

It takes me 1 year to decide whether or not to blog. I needed to ask myself,

1. What actually the word 'blog' means? Is it all about tell the whole world what I am? what I like? Do people really bother to know what I do everyday?
2. What actually I want to write?
3. Will I blog in English or in Malay.
4. Do I need to keep myself remain anynomous (did I spell it correctly?)
5. Do's and Don'ts on blogging. Well, since I have only 1 reader, wtf should i care!! :)
6. Last but not least, who really wants to read my blog??

1 answer.

Who cares?? :)